Review of the Lepidoptera of Essex for the year 2000 Systematic List The following is a selection of the more interesting records received for the year 2000. Nomenclature follows Bradley (2000). Incurvariidae 0144 Nemophora fasciella (Fabricius) Colchester, The Moors, 13 June (C. Gibson). Fourth recent record, second away from the coast. This pretty little day-flying long-horn moth is associated with Ballota nigra. Its distribution seems very patchy and colonies rather transient. Gracillariidae 0321a Phyllonorycter platani (Staudinger) Colchester Garrison, 13 October, larval mines on Platanus x hispanica (B. Goodey). Second VC19 (North Essex) record, though not unexpected. This tiny leaf-miner has been slowly moving northwards from London since its discovery there in 1990, and is known from ten sites in VC 18 and from Saffron Walden in VC 19. Sesiidae 0381 Synanthedon culiciformis (Linnaeus) Large Red-belted Clearwing Chalkney Wood, 14 June, an adult at rest by a muddy puddle (N. Cuming). Larvae feed in the stumps of Betula, so the moth may be resident here. The first Essex record since c. 1960. Several recorders plan to search for Clearwings this year with the aid of pheromone traps. Yponomeutidae 0473 Acrolepiopsis assectella (Zeller) Leek Moth Plaistow, garden, 26 April (G. Martin); Jaywick, Midway, 20 August 2000 (J. Young). A pest species, the Jaywick record may represent an extension of range from Dovercourt, where it is resident (C. Gibson has recorded over 80 adults since first discovering it in 1997). Coleophoridae 0557 Coleophora gardesanella Toll Dovercourt, Oakley Road, 28 July (C. Gibson, B. Goodey). First Essex record for 21 years. Larvae feed on Artemisia maritima and related plants. Oecophoridae 0650 Esperia oliviella (Fabricius) Two new sites, Stour Wood, 21 July (D.G. Green); and Marks Tey, 24 July (N. Cuming, B. Goodey). Abeautiful species, which may be increasing; associated with detritus. 0670 Depressaria daucella (Dennis and Schiffermuller) Plaistow, garden, 23 March (G. Martin). Second recent record and new to VC 18. The moth was rediscovered in Essex after an absence of 156 years in the Clacton-on-Sea area in 1998. Ethmiidae 0717 Ethmia terminella Fletcher Thundersley, West Wood, 29 June (D.G Down). Second Essex record (the first was in 1989 at Fingringhoe Wick N.R.). New to VC18. Probably a vagrant from Kent where it is resident. The larvae feed on Echium vulgare. Tortricidae 0948 Aethes margaritana (Haworth) Lexden Gathering Grounds, Colchester, 21 July (A. Cook et al.). First Essex record for 45 years and the first for VC19 since 1932. The food-plant Achillea millefolium grows here and there may well be a breeding colony. 96 Essex Naturalist (New Series) 18 (2001)