Review of the Lepidoptera of Essex for the year 2000 1973 Acherontia atropos (Linnaeus) Deaths-head Hawk-moth Great Braxted, Tiptree Road, larva found on 25 August (J. Torino per A. Cook); Marks Tey, North Lane, 1 September (A. Cook). A scarce migrant. 1978 Hyloicus pinastri (Linnaeus) Pine Hawk-moth Occurred this year at Theydon Bois, Dovercourt, Epping Forest, Langenhoe, Markshall Estate (Coggeshall), Lexden Gathering Grounds (Colchester), Bradwell (Braintree), Langenhoe, Pods Wood (Tiptree), and Broaks Wood (Gosfield). Those at Coggeshall and Bradwell involved larvae. 1984 Macroglossum stellatarum (Linnaeus) Humming-bird Hawk-moth Occurred at Bradwell- on-Sea bird observatory, Thundersley, Langenhoe, Frinton-on-Sea, Hempstead, Leigh-on-Sea, Rayne, and Curry Farm, Bradwell, where ninety-seven adults and eight larvae were reported (Dewick 2001). At Jaywick, moths were seen on every day between 24 June to 7 July, with a maximum of three adults (J. Young). Migrant. 1987 Hyles gallii (Rottemburg) Bedstraw Hawk-moth Felsted, Bannister Green, 19 July (G. Geen). Twelfth post-1990 record. A scarce migrant. Arctiidae 2039 Atolmis rubricollis (Linnaeus) Red-necked Footman Colchester, Lexden, Buntings Meadow, 17 June (R.W. Arthur, J. Firmin et al.) First Essex record since 1986, which occurred at nearby Friday Wood. Possible vagrant. 2043 Eilema sororcula (Hufnagel) Orange Footman Epping Forest, Oak Hill Farm, six between 9 May and 1 July (T. Green); Weeleyhall Wood, three on 12 May (R. Gooding); Theydon Bois, 15 June (J.G Green). Twenty-eight post-1990 reports, suggesting residency, though no larvae have yet been found. Ctenuchidae 2070 Amata phegea L. Nine-spotted Clacton-on-Sea area, 24 July (R. Goodson per P. Smith). Second British record and new to Essex. A full account appears in Goodey (2000). The only previous British record is from Kent in 1872. The most likely explanation is accidental importation, though we will search the area this year for further signs. Nolidae 2076 Meganola albula (Dennis and Schiffermuller) Kent Black Arches Walton-on-Naze, Woodberry Way, 1 August (P. Smith). Nineteenth post-1990 record. All may be of vagrants as there are no reports of larvae. Noctuidae 2105 Rhyacia simulans (Hufnagel) Dotted Rustic Langenhoe, Tawnies Meadow, 3 July (H. Owen). A species thought to be currently in decline, the scattered and rather isolated records suggests it is just hanging on. 2113 Spaelotis ravida (Dennis and Schiffermuller) Stout Dart Ingatestone, 13 August (G. Smith). Third record in the last two years, hinting perhaps of a comeback? Like Rhyacia simulans, populations appear to fluctuate over the years. 2127 Xestia ditrapezium (Dennis and Schiffermuller) Triple-spotted Clay Dovercourt, Oakley Road, 13 July (C. Gibson). Third occurrence from this site. The only previous relatively recent record was at Friday Wood in 1988. 2137 Eurois occulta (Linnaeus) Great Brocade Bradwell-on-Sea, Curry Farm, 27 July (Dewick 2001); Dovercourt, Oakley Road, 4 September (C. Gibson). A scarce migrant species. 2152 Sideridis albicolon (Hubner) White Colon Dovercourt, Oakley Road, six between 31 May and 15 July (C. Gibson); Jaywick, 22 July (J. Young). A scarce resident. 98 Essex Naturalist (New Series) 18 (2001)