Review of the Lepidoptera of Essex for the year 2000 in a log pile (I.C. Rose). Dovercourt, Oakley Road, 14 May (C. Gibson); Plaistow, garden, four between 8 May and 17 June (G Martin); Chelmsford, Cheviot Drive 1 June, (G Wilkinson). 2495 Trisateles emortualis (Dennis and Schiffermuller) Olive Crescent Occurred at least three times at a traditional site, including three larvae on 23 September (Gibson 2001; J. Spence, J.E. Chainey). This will be the first breeding record for Essex (if confirmed, when the adults emerge). Acknowledgements My thanks are due to the recorders for their continued support. The distribution maps were produced using DMAP, a mapping programme developed by Dr A. Morton. References BRADLEY, J.D. (2000) Checklist of Lepidoptera recorded from the British Isles Second edition (revised). Fordingbridge. DEWICK, S.F. (2001) Reports from coastal stations - 2000. Atropos 12: 56 - 58. EMMET, A.M. (1981) The Smaller Moths of Essex. Essex Field Club, London. GIBSON, C. (2001) Olive Crescent Trisateles emortualis larvae in Essex. Atropos 12; 81. GOODEY, B. (2000) The Nine-spotted Amata phegea (L.) (Lep.: Ctenuchidae) in Essex. Entomologist's Rec. J. Var. 112: 263 - 264. Orthoptera of Essex 2000 - a review of current status ALAN WAKE 73 New Barn Lane, Prestbury, Cheltenham GL52 3LB There are just 19 species of Orthoptera which have been recorded in Essex. Some of these are very rare, with just a single sighting, often many years ago, whilst the spread of others, notably Roesel's Bush-cricket Metrioptera roeselii, has been very recent, as has the arrival of a new species for the county, Long-winged Conehead Conocephalus discolor. Of these 19 species, only one, House Cricket Acheta domesticus is non-native. As at 31.12.2000, there arc 545 10km records for both current and historical sightings, whilst the number of 10km records since the recent survey began in 1980 stands at 523. Only 22 historical records have not been confirmed by new sightings. This averages over 9 species for each of the 57 whole or part 10km squares within Essex. A current status for each species follows, as a Millennium update to Wake (1997). Oak Bush-cricket Meconema thalassinum Found in all but 3 of the 57 10km squares. The insect was not found in TL 90, TQ 98 or TR 09, probably owing to under-recording in the first two squares but unlikely to be found in TR 09 due to its largely treeless landscapes. Great Green Bush-cricket Tettigonia viridissima Found in 23 10km squares, 6 of these prior to 1980 (historical). Very much eastern and southern in distribution although the latest new 10km record for TL 70 Lt. Baddow, was very close to the centre of the county. Dark Bush-cricket Pholidoptera griseoaptera Common and in every 10km square with the exception of TQ 38 (urban) and TR 09 (open coastal). 100 Essex Naturalist (New Series) 18 (2001)