Orthoptera of Essex 2000 - a review of current status Grey Bush-cricket Platycleis albopunctata Very rare. Just two records for the county. One of these is for East Mersea (pre-1896) and the other for St Osyth (pre-1940). Roesel's Bush-cricket Metrioptera roeselii Recorded in 53 of the 57 10km squares. Has steadily spread out from its previous strongholds around the creeks and estuaries of the Essex coast, with 7 new 10km records since the publication of the Grasshoppers & Crickets of Essex in 1997. All of these have been in the north-west, with two new records in 2000 from TL 62 and TL 72 - Gt Saling area. Long-winged Conehead Conocephalus discolor Since the first Essex insect was found on 11th August 1995, a further 14 1km locations have been recorded covering seven 10km squares. A large insect, it is nonetheless difficult to locate due to its very quiet stridulation. Obviously much commoner in the county than these records suggest (it has been found in places as far apart as Waltham Abbey, Cranham Marsh, Alphamstone and the Hanningfield Reservoir area near Stock). The Cranham Marsh record was found in 2000. Short-winged Conehead Conocephalus dorsalis Found in 32 10km squares mainly in coastal areas, but can be located on inland ponds amongst reeds and rushes. Only two new 10km records since the publication in 1997. Speckled Bush-cricket Leptophyes punctatissima Like P. griseoaptera, found in all but two 10km squares, these being TM 00 and TR 09, neither offering much favourable habitat for this species. House Cricket Acheta, domesticus The one introduced species likes dirty warm Victorian buildings, hence its demise since the demolition or refurbishment of many of these. Has been found in 15 10km squares, five of these historical. Only two recent records, one at Tiptree in 1997 and the other at Rainham Tip in 1990. Field Cricket Gryllus campestris Only two sightings ever in the county, one at Tilbury in 1961 and the other at Shoeburyness in 1985 thought possibly to have been brought into the country on military equipment: neither appear to have been able to breed. Mole Cricket Gryllotalpa gryllotalpa Four sightings all prior to 1961 near Maldon, Colchester, Dovercourt and Southend. Slender Groundhopper Tetrix subulata Recorded in 32 10km squares and probably much more widespread than records suggest. Just four new' 10km records since the 1997 publication. Common Groundhopper Tetrix undulata Recorded in 29 10km squares and, like the previous species, widespread but probably under-recorded. Two new 10km records since the 1997 publication, at Walthamstow Marsh and Markshall Wood near Coggeshall. Woodland Grasshopper Omocestus rufipes Just one sighting in Essex in TL 70 - Blackmore area, in 1974 but never refound despite specific Essex Naturalist (New Series) 18 (2001) 101