Habitats and abundance of butterflies on agricultural land at Writtle College Table 9. Total sun hours for the survey period In conclusion the distribution and occurrence of all 24 species on the College estate has been deduced from the five years monitoring (Table 10) and shows only five species to be widespread and common. Five species could be considered as rarities and these include A. hyperantus, Coenonympha pamphilus and L. megera. Table 10. Species distribution and occurrence over the monitoring period Species Aglais urticae Inachis io Polygonia c-album Vanessa atalanta Vanessa cardui Aphantopus hyperantus Coenonympha pamphilus Lasiommata megera Mania la jurtina Pararge aegeria Pyronia tithonus Anthocharis cardamines Colias croceus Gonepteryx rhamni Pieris brassicae Pieris napi Pieris rapae Aricia agestis Celastrina argiolus Lycaena phlaeas Ochlodes venata Polyommatus icarus Thymelicus lineola Thymelicus sylvestris Small Tortoiseshell Peacock Comma Red Admiral Painted Lady Ringlet Small Heath Wall Brown Meadow Brown Speckled Wood Gatekeeper Orange Tip Clouded Yellow Brimstone Large White Green-veined White Small White Brown Argus Holly Blue Small Copper Large Skipper Common Blue Essex Skipper Small Skipper Distribution and occurrence Widespread, declining in numbers Widespread, increasingly common Fairly widespread, not common Widespread, not common Very numerous immigrant in some years Rare, not recorded for several years Rare, declining in abundance Rare, not recorded for several years Widespread and common Widespread, increasing in numbers Widespread and common Widespread but not common Occasional immigrant Not very widespread and not common Widespread and common Widespread and common Widespread and common Rare, present in very small numbers Fairly widespread but uncommon Rare, not recorded for two years * Widespread but declining in abundance Fairly widespread but not common Widespread, declining in numbers** Widespread, declining in numbers** * seen outside of survey in 2000 ** status identified in other research 136 Essex Naturalist (New Series) 18 (2001)