Snake-flies, alderflies, lacewings and scorpion flies in Essex Panorpa germanica Linnaeus, 1758 National status: Common (Common) Predicted county status: Common/- Distribution Widespread across the whole of Essex. Habitat and ecology Recorded in identical habitats to P. communis. Threats None perceived. Etymology A direct usage of the Latin germanicus = German Acknowledgements Data sent to me for the national recording scheme is computerised by, and stored at, the Biological Records Centre, Monks Wood. I am grateful to Mark Telfer at that institution, for his promptness and efficiency in dealing with my various requests for data in different formats. For assistance with the elucidation of the etymology of some of the species names I am indebted to my friends Dr Peter Barnard (Natural History Museum, London) and Dr Andras Bozsik (Associate Professor, University of Debrecen, Hungary). Peter Barnard also read an early draft of the manuscript and made a number of helpful suggestions. Editorial comments and much valuable and constructive criticism of my application of his Essex Rarity and Essex Threat categories were provided by Peter Harvey. References ASPOCK, H., ASPOCK, U. & HOLZEL, H. (1980) Die Neuropteren Europas (2 volumes).Krefeld: Goeke Evers. BARNARD. P.C. (1978) A checklist of the British Neuroptera with taxonomic notes.Entomologist's Gaz.29: 165- 176. BARNARD, P.C, BROOKS, S.J. & STORK, N.E. (1986) The seasonality and distribution of Neuroptera, Raphidioptera and Mecoptera on oaks in Richmond Park, Surrey as revealed by insecticidal knock- down samplmgJ.nat.Hist.2Q: 1321 - 1331. BROOKS, S.J. & BARNARD, P.C. (1990) The green lacewings of the world: a generic review (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae)Bull.Br.Mus. (Nat.Hist). (Ent.) 59: 117 - 286. ENDERLEIN, G. (1905) Conwentzia pineticola no v. gen, nov, spec.Eine neue Neuroptere aus Westpreusscn. Bericht des Westpruessichen Botanisch-Zoo/ogisrhen Vereins 26 - 27: 10 - 12. FRASER, F.C. (1959) Mecoptera, Megaloptera and ~NemopXeva.Handbks.Ident Br.Insects 1(12 and 13).London, Royal Entomological Society. HACKETT, D. (2000) Sympherobius klapaleki Zeleny (Neur.: Hemerobiidae): a second British record - from South Essex. Entomologist's Rec. J. Var.lll: 129 - 130. 216 Essex Naturalist (New Series) 17 (2000)