Snake-flies, alderflies, lacewings and scorpion flies in Essex HARVEY, P.R. (1998) The modem distribution of ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in Essex with their regional rarity and threat status. EssexNat.15 (new series): 61 - 111. HARVEY, P.R. (1999) The modem distribution of Harvestmen (Arachnida: Opiliones) in Essex with their regional rarity and threat status. Essex Nat.15 (new series): 61 - 111. HENRY, C.S., BROOKS, S.J, DUELLI, P.& JOHNSON, J.B. (1996) Chrysoperla lucasina (Lacroix): a distinct species of green lacewing, confirmed by acoustical analysis (Neuroptera: Chrysopdae).Syst.Ent.21: 205 - 218. HENRY, C.S., BROOKS, S.J, DUELLL P. & JOHNSON, J.B. (1999) Revising the concept of Chrysoperla mediterranea (Holzel), a green lacewing associated with conifers: courtship songs across 2800 kilometres of Europe (Neuroptera: Chiyso'pidiie).Syst.Efit.24: 335 - 350. HENRY, C.S., BROOKS, S.J, DUELLI, P. & JOHNSON, J.B. (in press) Discovering the real identity of Chrysoperla carnea (Stephens) (Insecta: Neuroptera: Chrysopidae) using song analysis, morphology, and ecology.Zool.J.Linn.Soc. KILLINGTON, F.J. (1936 & 1937) A monograph of the British Neuroptera.! vols.Thc Ray Society, London. KIRBY, P. (1991) A review of the scarcer Neuroptera of Great Hntam.Rese.arch and survey in nature conservation, No 34.Peterborough: NCC. Review HYND, W.R.B. (1989) Coniopteryx lentiae Aspock & Aspock (Neuroptera: Coniopterygidae) new to Britain Entomologist's Gaz. 40: 149 - 150. HYND, W.R.B. & Plant, CW. (1991) Coniopteryx esbenpeterseni Tjeder, 1930, (Neuroptera: Coniopterygidae) new to Britain with a comment on the subgenus Metaconiopteryx in BritamEntomologists Gaz.Al: 104 - 106. PLANT, C.W. (1991a) An introduction to the British wax-flies (Neuroptera: Coniopterygidae) with a revised key to British species.[Presidential Address to the British Entomological and Natural History Society, read February 1991]. Br.J.ent.nat.Hist. 4: 99 - 117. PLANT, C.W. (1991b) The separation of females of British species of Panorpa (Mecoptera: Panorpidae).Br.,J.ent.nat.Hist 4: 157 - 162. PLANT, C.W. (1992) Semidalis pseudouncinata Meinander, 1963 (Neuroptera: Coniopterygidae) new to Britain with a note on its separation from S.aleyrodiformis (Stephens).Entomologists Gaz. 43: 292 - 296. PLANT, C.W. (1993) Cunctochrysa bellifontensis Leraut, 1988 (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae), new to Britain with a note on its identification.Entomologist s Gaz. 44: 41 - 44. PLANT, C.W. (1994) Provisional Atlas of the Neuroptera, Megaloptera, Raphidioptera, and Mecoptera of the British isles.Huntingdon, Institute of Terrestrial Ecology. (Now only available priced £6.50 Stirling from the publishers - Biological Records Centre, PE17 2LS, England). PLANT, C.W. (1996) Nineta inpunctata (Reuter, 1894) (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae): a new laccwing recorded in Britain. Entomologist's Gaz. 47: 115 - 120. PLANT, C.W. (1997a) Akey to the adults of British Lacewings and allies (Neuroptera, Megaloptera, Raphidioptera and Mecoptera. Fld.Studies 9: 179 - 269 (later [also 1997] published as a book in the AIDGAP series by the Field Studies Council). PLANT, C.W. (1997b) The 1997 Presidential Address: An introduction to British lacewings (Neuroptera) and their allies. Essex Naturalist (New series) 14: 5 - 16. Essex Naturalist (New Series) 17 (2000) 217