ESSEX NATURALIST Volume 18 (New series) 2001 1 -2 Report of the Essex Field Club for 2000-2001 3 Income and expenditure account for 2000 4 Balance sheet for 2000 5-6 Lieutenant Colonel Arthur Maitland Emmet, MBE, TD, MA, HON. FRES, FLS Brian Goodey 6-8 Essex Field Club Annual Exhibition 18 November 2000 9-28 The 2001 AGM address: The retreat of the Late Pliocene and Lower Pleistocene Crag sea and the development of the Early Pleistocene Thames - a review Peter Allen 29-37 An introduction to some aquatic protozoa in Essex and their study using a microscope Steve Durr WILDLIFE REVIEW OF THE YEAR 38-53 Wildlife and conservation review of 2000 Chris Gibson 54-58 Review of the wildlife of Epping Forest in 2000 Jeremy Dagley 58-59 The Grey Mining Bee Andrena cineraria refound in Epping Forest Amanda Samuels 60 Chrysura radians (Harris) (Hymenoptera: Chrysididae), a cuckoo-wasp new to Essex Adrian Knowles 60-62 Odynerus simillimus Morawitz, F., 1867, rediscovered in Essex Peter Harvey and David Scott 62-63 A new Essex record of the Yellow Loosestrife Bee Macropis europaea Warncke, 1973 Peter Harvey and Dan Hackett 64 Andricus aries (Mayr) (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae) - a gall wasp new to Essex Jerry Bowdrey 65-66 Four species of Coleoptera new to Essex Nigel Cuming and Jerry Bowdrey 66 The welcome return of the Polecat Mustela putorius to Essex John Dobson 67 Dormouse update Sue Ward 67 Erythristic Mole Talpa europaea at Little Dunmow David Scott Recorder Reports for 2000: 68 Freshwater Algae in Essex Hilary Belcher 68-69 New Charophyte (Stonewort) and Bryophyte records and corrigenda Ken Adams 70-71 Essex mammals in 2000 John Wright 71-72 Bats in Essex in 2000 John Dobson 72-73 Amphibian and reptile notes for 2000 David Scott 73-78 Some interesting spider records for 1999-2000 Peter Harvey 79-80 Recent hoverfly records from Essex Roger Payne 81-82 Essex gall report 2000 Jerry Bowdrey 83-94 Some interesting aculeate Hymenoptera records for 1999-2000 Peter Harvey 95-100 Review of the Lepidoptera of Essex for the year 2000 Brian Goodey 100-102 Orthoptera of Essex 2000 - a review of current status Alan Wake 102-104 Essex geology report Gerald Lucy CONSERVATION AND MANAGEMENT 105-112 The flies (Diptera) of Epping Forest John Ismay 113-120 Some observations on changes in the wildlife of Epping Forest since 1939 Ken Hoy 121-129 The development of a monitoring technique to record the abundance of a canopy-dwelling butterfly species: Satyrium w-album (Knoch) (White-letter Hairstreak) Zoe Ringwood, Robin Field, Julian Hill and David Mortimer 129-138 Habitats and abundance of butterflies on agricultural land at Writtle College Robin Field and Tim Gardiner 139-145 Changes in macro-moth abundance on the Writtle College Estate Robin Field and Tim Gardiner 146-156 Problems in elm and rose Identifications - from a detailed study of woods and hedgerows near Earl's Colne Brian Wright and Ursula Broughton STATUS, DISTRIBUTION AND IDENTIFICATION 157-160 Notes on Essex specialities. 5: Sickle-leaved Hare's-ear Bupleurum falcatum L. subsp. falcatum Ken Adams 161-162 Notes on Essex specialities. 6: the mining bee Colletes halophilus Verhoeff, P.M.F., 1944 (Apidae: Colletinae) Peter Harvey 163-168 The European Scorpion Euscorpius flavicaudis (Degeer, 1778) (Scorpiones: Chactidae) in Essex Colin Plant 169-176 The Bryophyte flora of the anthills at Old Hall Marshes Terri Tarpey 177-218 Snake-flies, alderflies and lacewings (Neuropterida) and scorpion flies (Mecoptera): a provisional review of their status and distribution in Essex with notes on their etymology Colin Plant Front cover photograph Campanella, an aquatic protozoan © Steve Durr £10 (free to members)