American Bittern Botaurus lentiginosus: an historic first for Essex A. stellaris Com Bittern m Norfolk JhC f Cambs Thos Smith There is also a hand-written, pencil entry with no details: A. lentiginosus American Bittern If the qualifying note on page 156 is correct, then the Museum received its first Bitterns from Joseph Clarke (Norfolk) and Thomas Smith (Cambs). These were both presumably stuffed by Stephen Salmon 1833-34, as confirmed by both (A) and (B) above plus (F), Stephen Salmon's taxidermy label below. (E) 'Travers and Incidents' A hand-written, itemised, summary taxidermy bill A thin, white rectangle of paper is glued to the back of page 4a entitled "Travers and Incidents". This is a summary of other nearby taxidermy labels and lists in inked hand-writing birds mounted by Travers, amongst which is a batch entry costing £1 0 0 including a Bittern: Bittern, stone-curlew, Sil cock and hen & chicks. Grosbeak etc 10 0 No dates or other details are given. Joseph Clarke's comment on the Crossbill label (C) was "An uncertain visitant. One killed about 1825." Historically, therefore this must be the first reference of specimen #479 with Travers the taxidermist, the £10 0 price tag and J.G (Jabez Gibson) all linked by this label. The 'expensive' £10 0 price tag is also explained, as the Bittern was clearly part of a batch consisting of at least seven birds. The £1 0 0 price ties in with the Scientific Order (A) and Valuations (B) with Jabez Gibson (donor) and Travers (artist) also confirmed. There is therefore strong circumstantial and corroborative evidence that this itemised bill must have been written in 1826 with the £1 0 0 Bittern, referenced above in (A) and (B), and the Crossbill, both shot in 1826. (F) 'Birds stuffed 1833&4 'An itemised taxidermy label written by Stephen Salmon Pasted to the back of page 4a is another label listing 357 birds stuffed by SS (Stephen Salmon). At the bottom of the fourth page are two inked, hand-written enuies for Bitterns as follows (?=illegible character, S—Specimen): S Bittern T????? Smith S Greylag Goose 198 S Bittern male This therefore confirms Stephen Salmon as the taxidermist for the two Bitterns donated respectively by Joseph Clarke, the male from Norfolk, and by Thos Smith, the Bittern from Cambridgeshire. The date of 1833-4 fits in well with (A) and (B). An Abridged Catalogue of Saffron Walden Museum written by Joseph Clarke (1845) 28 Essex Naturalist (New Series) 19 (2002)