American Bittern Botaurus lentiginosus: an historic first for Essex APPENDIX B Interpretation of the Chronological History of 19th Century Bitterns Recorded in Saffron Walden Museum The Jabez Gibson (JG) 1826 specimen is highlighted below for convenience. Any text within square brackets [text] indicates extra information supplied by myself that does not exist on the original document. 1. 1832-1835 The Museum's first Catalogue before the Museum opened (Saffron Walden Natural History Society) D. Original Notes [1833-34] Thos Smith Cambs + JhC Norfolk Both specimens were mounted by Stephen Salmon (SS) in 1833-4 according to the taxidermy label on page 4a and confirmed in the Scientific Order (A) & Valuations (B) sections. A. Scientific Order [1834+] Thos Smith Cambs + JhC Norfolk + JG Saffron Walden [Wenden] B. Valuations [1834+] First Bittern entries (a) JhC Norfolk #478 + JG [Wenden] #479 Thos Smith Cambs specimen is unrecorded. At a later time [1834+] under Miscellaneous Birds (b) Thos Smith #958 + JG #957 + W. Davis donor/Stephen Salmon artist Saffron Walden IWenden] #956 The W. Davis specimen can be traced in the Museum's Accession Register, when he donated cases of birds on Oct 10 1833 (Maynard 1897). JhC Norfolk specimen is not recorded. C. Labels recording local Saffron Walden area birds written by Joseph Clarke [ 1820 to 1845 approx.] One shot at Wenden 1826. in Museum. The W. Davis specimen is unrecorded. 2. 1878 EJ Tuck collection received which included the 1859 Cannes, France, specimen. This is a SKIN, not a mounted specimen. GS. Gibson bought a specimen in the Barlow sale on 21st May 1878, which was shot at Guist Fen, Norfolk. 3. 1883 R.M. Christy Catalogue 207a Guist Fen, Norfolk GS. Gibson - bought at Barlow Sale 207b Wenden 1826 [479 JG] - cross-referenced to 208a 207c Norfolk [478] Joseph Clarke Essex Naturalist (New Series) 19 (2002) 41