Some notable Essex Coleoptera in 2001 Buprestidae Agrilus angustulus (Illiger) Nb - One flying near dead Quercus robur branches. TL8814 Tiptree, Tiptree Heath JPB. Cantharidae Malthinus frontalis (Marsham) Nb - one tapped from Quercus robur. TM0126 Colchester, Friar's Grove N.Cuming/'JPB. Anobiidae Ptinomorphus imperialis (Linnaeus) Nb - one flying, late afternoon near garden Crataegus monogyna hedge. TM173229 Thorpe-le-Soken JPB. Cucujidae Uleiota planata (Linnaeus) Na- a single example under bark of fallen Ulmus. TM 163253 Tendring, Gravel Wood 14.X.2001 JPB. Mycetophagidae Mycetophagus piceus (Fabricius) Nb - several in Laetiporus sulphureus on Quercus robur. TM156212 Weeley, track to Weeleyhall Wood 6.X.2001 JPB Tenebrionidae Helops caeruleus (Linnaeus) Nb - one in garden on Quercus robur log. TM 173229 Thorpe-le- Soken l8.ix.200l JPB; three under bark on rotten Quercus robur stump. TM 189215 Thorpe-le-Soken, old gravel pits 13.x.2001 JPB. This species has also been found in previous years in Salix stumps in this area. Diaperis boleti RDB2 - two in Piptoporus betulinus brackets on Betula. TM0521 Alresford, Cockayne's Wood 6.x.2001 JPB. Published as new to Essex in Bowdrey (2002). Scaphidema metallicum (Fabricius) Nb - several under bark of fallen Fraxinus excelsior. TM179219 Thorpe-le-Soken, secondary woodland l.xii.2001 JPB Chrysomelidae Cassida nobilis Nb - a single example under a stone. TM1915 Clacton-on-Sea. cliff slopes 10.iii.2001 JPB. Not included in Hammond (2000), but there are old records going back to the Victoria County History. This is the first recent Essex record (P. Hammond, pers. comm.). Longitarsus dorsalis (Fabricius) Nb - several in a greenhouse. TM173229 Thorpe-le-Soken 28.iii.2001 JPB Curculionidae Polydrusus pulchellus Nb - several tapped from Beta vulgaris ssp. maritima on sea wall. TM2222, Thorpe-le-Soken JPB. Omitted in error from Hammond (1999, 2000). Previously recorded in north-east Essex by Cuming (1999) from Old Hall Marsh (TL9612) in good numbers on leaves of Beta vulgaris ssp. maritima 20.v. 1999 and there are other older coastal records. Essex Naturalist (New Series) 19 (2002) 73