Essex Dragonflies (Odonata): An update Fig. 1: distribution map of all known sites in Essex for Small Red-eyed Damselfly Erythromma viridulum, based on information received up to 2002. Map produced using DMAP, software developed by Dr Alan Morton. We would like to urge readers to contribute to the continuing survey of dragonflies in the county. Gaps in coverage so far occur almost all over the county, but we are particularly short of records for the north-west. Offers of help, to either of the authors will be gratefully received. We would like to express our thanks to the following for sending us records: C. Balchin, P. Browne, C. Cadman, S. Cham, P. Charlton, J. Clarke, A. Cook, I. Cotgrove, R. Cottrill, J. Court, G Ekins, L. Forsyth, R. Gardiner, C. Griffin, T. Gunton, M. Hanson, S.R. Harris, N. Harvey, M. Heywood, S. Hudgell, C. Jupp, R. Leavett, R. Neave, J. Pepper, S. Perry, J. Rowland, D. Sampson, A. Sapsford, R. Seago, G. Smith, R. Tabor, A.P Thompson, S. Torino, J.P Tyler, B. Watts, S. Wilkinson, G Winn, J. Wisbey, D. Wood, S. Wood, A. Woodhouse, M. Wright. References BENTON, E. (1988) The Dragonflies of Essex. Essex Field Club, Stratford. BENTON, E. (1997/8) Dragonfly (Odonata) Report for 1997. Essex Naturalist 15 (New Series): 36-7. CHAM, S. (2000a) Discovery of a 'new' population of the Scarce Chaser Libellula fulva Muller on the River Stour in the Dedham Vale. Journal of the British Dragonfly Society 16(1): 17-19. CHAM, S. (2000b) Identification - Red-eyed Damselflies. British Wildlife 11(5): 324-6. CHAM, S. (2001) Dragonflies. British Wildlife 13(1): 57-9. DEWICK, S. & GERUSSI, R. (2000) Small Rcd-cycd Damselfly Erythromma viridulum (Charpentier) found breeding in Essex - the first British records. Atropos 9: 3-4. PARR, A. (2001) Dragonflies. British Wildlife 12(3): 206-7. PERRIN, V. (2000) Dragonflies. British Wildlife 11(4): 283-5. 88 Essex Naturalist (New Series) 19 (2002)