Update of Orthoptera records 2000 - 2001 ALAN WAKE 73 New Barn Lanc, Cheltenham, GL52 3LB With Foot & Mouth restrictions prevailing for much of the summer 2001, records have been few and far between. The more notable occurrences are detailed below. Species Records Great Green Bush-cricket Tettigonia viridissima Two new sightings for this large insect have been made at Heybridge Basin (TL8607) and Tollesbury (TL9610). It continues to flourish at the Hythe in Colchester. For an insect that has a distinctly south-westerly distribution within the UK, Essex has a surprising 56 1km records since 1980. Long-winged Conehead Conocephalus discolor A new 10km record for this species has been made at Barling Gravel Pit (TQ9389) bringing the total number of sightings within the County to sixteen, embracing eight 1 Okm squares. This insect must be well under-recorded within Essex and systematic searching with a converted bat-detector would surely increase the known distribution considerably. Mole Cricket Gryllotalpa gryllotalpa There have been two recent Essex sightings of this extremely rare insect, both unfortunately probably accidental imports. The first, in March 2000, was brought into Southend Museum, having been found at Leigh-on-Sea under a stack of empty boxes behind a greengrocer's. Investigations revealed that the shop had recently taken deliveries of onions and potatoes, from Spain, carrots from France and beetroot from Greece. Take your pick! The second, in July 2000, was found in a garden at South Woodham Ferrers. It was in a poor state and died sometime later. It was passed to Judith Marshall who identified it as a late instar nymph. The garden was damp, surrounded by marshland and river, and there is a Country Park and Essex Wildlife Trust reserve nearby. Despite these promising conditions, it is thought most probable that it has been imported via garden compost or peat. Wardens at the reserve have been asked to keep a look out for this important insect, but there have been no further sightings. Slender Groundhopper Tetrix subulata Previously thought to be rare in the county, records continue to come in and it is now widespread. The latest 10km record is for Thorpe Hall, Thorpe-le-Soken (TM 1821), the furthest east this insect has been recorded in Essex. Lesser Marsh Grasshopper Chorthippus albomarginatus A further 10km record, this species was found at Malting Green (TL5311), yet more evidence of the continued spread of this species. It has also been found in the Abberton Reservoir area (TL9618). Essex Naturalist (New Series) 19 (2002) 89