The distribution of the Oxlip Primula elatior (L.) Hill in Essex of this data comes from English Nature 1982). The site acreage is that before any losses or planting. > Any relevant historical records from Gibson's Flora, Jermyn's Flora and the papers of Christy and Doubleday are recorded after the date of their publication, and in italics. In the absence of any systematic dated archive of records, comments have been selected that shed some light on the plant's history in the county. > A simple statement, prefaced by 2002 or the date of the survey if earlier, as to whether the plant is present or absent on the site. > The number of plants it is estimated the site currently supports. > Any relevant commentary resulting from the 2002 survey. The last three points being those of the 2002 survey are underlined. Three sites are not detailed in the list below at the request of the owners. The failure to record the species on a particular site cannot be taken as absolute confirmation that the species is no longer present. Exact locations were not given for the Oxlips on a particular site in any of the old records, and although surveyors were diligent, there is always the possibil ity that the plant was missed. Also it is not unknown for Oxlips to fail to produce leaf or flower for one year (Browne 1995). The sources of past records are identified as follows: G. = Stacey Gibson; Ch = Miller Christy; Doubleday as written; J. = Jermyn; KJA. = Ken Adams; JLF = John Fielding; SW = Shirley Watson; JI = Jeremy Ison. Initials appear at the end of each record. Recorders for this survey were (in addition to Shirley Watson): Peter Gomm, Tony Morton, Anna Tilmouth, David Corke, and Ray Tabor. Their initials are used as written. List of Sites: TL 42 Crabb's Green, Stocking Pelham: 455287; 1 hectare; '74- a few plants, J; 2002: present; 1-10 plants: S.W. Bloodhounds Wood*, Farnham: 467226; 6 hectares; 2002: present; 11-100 plants; Present since'72 with out change. S.W. Battles Wood*, Manudon: 476282; 11 hectares; ?74-present. J.; 2002: present; 1001-10,000 plants.TM. TL43 Roughway Wood, Chrishall: 439362; 5 hectares; 1998: present; 11-100 plants. S.W. Green Lane.Chrishall: 439362; hectares n/a; 1998: present; 1-10 plants. S.W. Park Wood* .Chrishall: 451388; 37 hectares; '74 scarce, J.; 2002: not found.T.M. Roman Road, Langley:455345; hectares n/a; 2001: Present; 1-10 plants. S.W. Rockell's Wood*, Elmdon:472370; 26 hectares; '74, present. J.; 2002: present: 101-1000 plants. T.M.. TL51 Wall Wood,Great Hallingbury: 526186; 20 hectares; '74, present. J.; '67, abundant in '66/'67 after clearing of the rides and thinning the conifers, but has since declined due to habitat loss and deer predation. S.W. l75 Primrose abundant when conifers cleared; then Oxlip 118 Essex Naturalist (New Series) 19 (2002)