The distribution of the Oxlip Primula elatior (L.) Hill in Essex Harrison's Wood*, Sewards End: 573360; 4 hectares (4 cleared); '74 - present. J.; '90 - Phase 1 only remnant remains but Oxlip present; 2002; not found. D.C. Beck's Wood, Debden: 574329; 2 hectares: 2002; present: 11-100 plants. R.T. Rowney Wood*, Debden: 574338; 62 hectares (62 planted); '74 - present. J.; '90 - Phase 1 survey Mainly along ridesides since wood largely coniferised; 2002: prcsent:101-1000 plants. S.L. Hamperden End Wood, Debden: 575313; J.L.F hybrids present; 2002: present: 101-1000 plants - no hybrids found. R.T. Adcocks Lane Wood, Debden: 580363; 2 hectares: 2002; not found. D.C. Bush Croft, Howlett End: 595346; 3 hectares; '90 - Phase 1 survey -present.; 2002: present: 101-1000 plants.D.C. Wilderness Grove .Ashdon: 596391; 2 hectares; '74 present. J.; 2002: present: 11-100 plants. P.O. Burntfield Grove*, Thaxted: 599322; 10 hectares (10 cleared); '74 - present. J.; 2002: not found - wood completely cleared. R.T. TL54 Grimsditch Wood*, Little Walden: 547406; 13 hectares; 1883 -good site for Oxlip/ primrose hybrids; Ch.; 2002: present - full survey not carried out. PG. Madge Hobbs Wood*, Little Walden: 561419; 4 hectares; 1883 - Oxlip /cowslip hybrids present; Ch.; 2002: present: full survey not carried out. R.T. Nunn Wood*, Little Walden: 563430; 12 hectares (3 cleared); '74 - present. J.; 2002: present; 1001-10.000 plants. P.G. Hales Wood*, Ashdon: 573400; 27 hectares (18 planted); 1862 - mention of Oxlips in the woods at Ashdon. G; 1883 - studied pollination of Oxlips in the wood. Ch.; 2002: present; 1001-10.000 plants. P.G. Shadwell Wood*,Ashdon: 573412; 9 hectares; '74 -present. J.; 2002: present; 1001-10.000 plants. R.T. Little Hales Wood*, Ashdon; 576408; 12 hectares (12 planted); '74 - present. J.; 2002; present; 101-1000 plants. P.G. TL62 Bigods Wood*, Great Easton: 628253; 33 hectares (9 cleared); '74 - present. J.; 2002: present; 101-1000 plants. A.T. Avesey Wood*, Great Easton: 628283; 10 hectares (8 cleared); '74 - present. J.; 2002: not found. A.T. Dow Wood*, Lindsell: 632262; 14 hectares; 1900 - studied pollination on this site. Ch.; '74 - present. J.; 2002: present: 101-1000 plants. A.T. Gallows Wood*, Lindsell: 633272; 4 hectares (1 cleared); '74 - present. J.; 2002: present; 1-10 plants. A.T. Ridley Wood*, Stebbing: 638250; 6 hectares; '74 - present; 2002: not found. A.T. Bank of brook, Stebbing: 647268; Date n'a - present. K.J.A.; 2002: not found. A.T. Lubberhedges Wood*, Great Bardfield: 671279; 11 hectares; '74 - present. J.; 2002; not found. A.T. Roadside at Stones Farm, Bardfield Saling: 678260; hectares n/a; '74 - present. J.; 2002: not found. A.T. Cannon Wood, Bardfield Saling: 682253; 3 hectares; '74 - present. J.; 2002; not found. A.T. Essex Naturalist (New Series) 19 (2002) 121