The distribution of the Oxlip Primula elatior (L.) Hill in Essex Boxted Wood*, Boxted: 692238; 21 hectares (7 cleared); '74 - present. J.; 2002: not found. A.T. Purples Spinney, Saling: 698278; 2 hectares; 2002: present: 101-1000 plants. R.T. TL63 Little Bendysh Wood*, Radwinter: 615397; 34 hectares (34 planted); 774 - present. J.; 2002: present; 1001 -10,000 plants; -majority of plants on the grassy rides where they are thriving and flowering well .R.T. Great Bendysh Wood*, Radwinter: 619405; 58 hectares (58 planted); '74 - present. J.; 2002: present; 101-1000 plants, plants suppressed by conifers, Ind growing well on grassy rides in full sun. R.T. Clay Wood*, Sampford: 620363; 8 hectares (4 cleared); 2002 prcscnt:1001-10.000 plants: Oxlips growing well in coppiced part of wood. D.C. West Wood*, Great Sampford: 620332; 22 hectares (15 planted); '74 - present. J.; 2002 present; 1001-10.000 plants. R.T. / R.N. Marks Wood*, Little Bardfield: 644301; 4 hectares; '74 - presen. J.; 2002: not found. R.T. Copse, Little Bardfield: 654307; Hectares n/a; '74 - present. J.; 2002: not found. R.T. Scales Grove*, Spains End: 662367; 3 hectares; '90 -Phase I survey -present in small quantity; 2002: present, but full survey not carried out. R.T. Sampford Hall Wood*, Sampford: 662351; 5 hectares (1 planted); still to be surveyed. Verge at Hempstead Wood, Hempstead: 662386; hectares n/a; 2002: present 11-100 plants. Hempstead Wood*, Hempstead: 656384: 71 hectares (31 planted); '74 - estimated 750,000 plants on the site; '75 - estimated over 2,000,000 plants. Acknowledged as the largest and most prolific Oxlip site in the country. O.R.; 2002 present;>10.000 plants, transects show c, 30,000 plants still on the site, but heavy losses to conifers and deer.K.T. Long Meadow at Coft Hall, Great Bardfield; 664284; '74 - present. J.; 776 - still present. K.J.A.; 2002; not found - meadow now ploughed for arable. R.T. Little Howe Wood*, Little Sampford: 666347; 11 hectares (11 planted) : 2002: present; 11-100 plants. R.T. Almonds Grove*. Finchingfield: 667335; 3 hectares; '74 - present. J.; 2002: present; 11-100 plants. R.T. Lakehouse Grove*, Hempstead: 667386; 5 hectares; 2002; present: 11-100 plants. P.G. Spains Wood*, Hempstead; 670376; 22 hectares; 2002: present; complete survey not carried out. Ditch at Unwins Farm, Finchingfield: hectares n/a; '74 - present. J.; 2002: not found. R.T. Meadow by stream at Gt. Bardfield Hall, Gt. Bardfield: 675301; 2 acres. 1862 - Bardfield, in meadows accompanied by P. veris and not vulgaris. G; 1840 - 2 acre meadow covered in plants. Doubleday; 1900 -studiedpollination in the meadows. Ch.; '74 - present. J.; 2002: present; 11-100 plants. Almost extinct on this site. R.T. Old Hall Wood*, Steeple Bumpstead: 691394; 6 hectares; '74-present. J.; 2002; present; 11- 100 plants. R.T. Lodge Wood*, Great Bardfield: 693302; 4 hectares; 2002: present; 11-100 plants. R.T. Round Wood, Steeple Bumpstead: 694395; '74 - present. J.; 2002: not found. R.T. TL64 Holbrook Wood*, Helions Bumpstead; 634402; 8 hectares; '90 -Phase 1 survey - present; 2002: present; 101-lQOOpFants. P.G. Balance Wood*, Steeple Bumpstead: 669407; 5 hectares; '74-present. J.; 2002; present; 11- 100 plants. R.T. 122 Essex Naturalist (New Series) 19 (2002)