The Boletes of Essex Recorders KA Ken Adams MM Margaret Mitchell RB Richard Baker RP Roger Payne BNHS Basildon Natural History Society HP Howard Price ADB Tony Boniface IR Ian Rose EWT Essex Wildlife Trust JS John Skinner MG Martin Gregory GS Graham Smith MH Mark Hanson MS Mary Smith GK Geoffrey Kibby BS Brian Spooner LK Len Kirby TPR Thorndon Park Rangers PK Pam Kirby ShW Shirley Watson RL Bob Lawes BW Barry Watts ML Martin Lipson LW Laurence Watts AM Tony Mead SW Steven Wilkinson References ALESSIO, CL. (1985) Boletus. Fungi Europcai. Libreria editrice Biella Giovanna 1-21047 Saronno (Keys in Italian and French; colour plates). BOARDMAN, D.J. (1970) The fungi of Epping Forest. Part 1 .Basidiomycetes. Essex Naturalist 32(4):277- 299. COOKE. M.C. & ENGLISH, J.L. (1882) Apreliminary list of the hymenomycetal fungi of Epping Forest; a contribution to the botany of the county. Transactions Essex Field Club II: 181-191. DENNIS, R.W.G (1995) Fungi of South East England. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. ELLIS, M. & ELLIS, P. (1992) Fungi and Slime Moulds in Suffolk. Suffolk Naturalists' Society. ENGEL, H. (1983) Dickrohrlinge Die Gattung Boletus in Europa (Key in English, colour plates). ENGEL, H. (1996) Schmier- und Fikrohrlinge s. I. in Europa Schneider- Druck. (German, colour photographs and plates: Boletellus: Boletinus: Phylloporus: Suillus: Xerocomus). HAWKSWORTH, D. (2002) The names behind the names. Field Mycology 3(1): 15-19. KIBBY, G. (2000) A user-friendly key to the genus Leccinum in Great Britain. Field Mycology 1(1): 20-29. Amendments to key. Field Mycology 1(2): 55. LANNOY, G. and F.STADES, A. (1995) Monographic Des Leccinum D Europe Editc par la Federation Mycologique Dauphine-Savoie (Key in English, colour plates). LANNOY, G. and F.STADES, A. (2001) Les Bolets .Flore Mycologique d'Europe, No. 6 (in French). LONGMAN, M. (unpublished manuscript) Key to Polypores and Boletes. 8 St Quentin's Rise Broadway Sheffield S17 4PR Tel: 0114 236 8010. PEARSON, A.A. (1938) List of the Fungi of Epping Forest. Essex Field Club. TAYLOR, A.F.S., HILLS, A. & SIMONINI, G. (2002) A fresh look at xerocomoid fungi. Field Mycology 3(3): 89-102. WATLING, R. (1970) British Fungus Flora Part 1 Boletaceae: Gomphidiaceae: Paxillaceae. HMSO. Field Mycology is a quarterly magazine published for the British Mycological Society by Cambridge University Press, The Edinburgh Building, Shaftesbury Road, Cambridge, CB2 2RU. Source of books if in print: Richmond Publishing Co. Ltd, P O Box 963, Slough, SL2 3RS Tel: 01753 643104 142 Essex Naturalist (New Series) 19 (2002)