Glow-worms Lampyris noctiluca L (Coleoptera: Lampyridae) in Essex Individuals were recorded in less abundance on other linear habitats such as roadside verges and disused railway lines. Very few glowing females were observed within the proximity of aquatic habitats or in damp grassland areas. Although some of the sites in the survey comprised arable areas and improved grassland, there were no glowing females detected in these habitat types. Fig. 4. Percentage of L. noctiluca females in different habitats Lighting Table 3 illustrates the number of females which were recorded under different lighting conditions. Approximately 78% of females were observed at unlit sites, therefore L. noctiluca was most abundant in totally dark conditions. Lower abundance was evident at sites with house and vehicle lights. Only six females were seen displaying at sites with streetlights. Table 3. L. noctiluca females observed under different lighting conditions Lighting No females % No lights 398 78.5 House lights only 61 12.0 House and vehicle lights 30 5.9 Vehicle lights only 12 2.4 Street lights only 6 1.2 _____________________Totals_______507________100 Management of sites At the majority of the sites where L. noctiluca individuals were observed during the survey, the grassland is unmanaged with only infrequent mowing. These tall grassland habitats include woodland rides, where mowing or scrub clearance is only occasionally conducted. At the only site which is grazed by livestock that was visited during the survey (Hatfield Forest), L. noctihica individuals 156 Essex Naturalist (New Series) 19 (2002)