The 2003 AGM address. Veteran trees and saproxylic invertebrates at Hylands Park and continuous nectar sources, large standard oak trees (and others, such as Lime and Horse Chestnut), much dead wood - particularly the trunks of trees felled in the 1987 storm which are slowly decaying in the dense shade of the abundant Cherry Laurel, interspersed with open expanses of lawn and flower bed, have helped to create an ideal environment for saproxylic species. The area as a whole - which mimics the old forest conditions and probably enhances them as well - suits this particular group of invertebrates. Saproxylic Invertebrates recorded in the formal gardens 2001 - 2003 DIPTERA COLEOPTERA Aulacigaster leucopeza Agrilus laticornis Nb Brachyopa insensilis N Anobium punctatum Brachyopa scutellaris Bitoma crenata Brachypalpoides lentus Dacne bipustulata Callicera spinolae RDB 1 Dorcus parallelopipedus Callicera aurata RDB 3 Ischnomera cyanea Nb Choerades marginatus N Leiopus nebulosus Criorhina berberina Melanotus villosus Criorhina floccosa Orchesia undulata Criorhina ranunculi N Orthoperus nigrescens Nb Macrocera, crassicornis N Prionocyphon serricornis Nb Megamerina dolium N Ptilinus pectinicornis Psilota anthracina. RDB 2 Ptinus sexpunctatus Nb Systenus scholtzii N Rhagium mordax Tipida flavolineata Tillus elongatus Nb Xylota xanthocnema N Xestobium rufovillosum References/Bibliography FOREMAN, S. (1999) Hylands — the story of'an Essex country house and its owners, 2'"1 ed. Ian Henry Publications. HARDING, P.T. & ROSE, F. (1986) Pasture-Woodlands in Lowland Britain - a review of their importance for wildlife conservation. Institute of Ten'estrial Ecology. HARDING, P.T & WALL, T. (2000) Moccas: an English deer park. English Nature. KIRBY, K.J. & DRAKE, CM. (1993) Dead Wood Matters: the ecology and conservation of saproxylic invertebrates in Britain. English Nature (Science No. 7). READ, H.J. (2000) Veteran Trees - a guide to good management. English Nature. SMITH, H. (1925) A History of the Parish of Havering-atte-Bower, Essex. (L.B. Havering reprint 1990). STUBBS, A.E. & CHANDLER, P.J. (1978) A Dipterists Handbook. The Amateur Entomologist 15. The Amateur Entomologists Society. STUBBS, A.E. Sc FALK, S.J. (2002) British Hoverflies - an illustrated identification guide. The British Entomological and Natural History Society. 18 Essex Naturalist (New Series) 20 (2003)