New Charophyte (Stonewort) and Bryophyte records Chara globularis var. globularis TQ(51)58 566,828 18 Upminster, in small quantity, sterile, shallows of Hunt's Hill Lake. Form with tiny hemispherical spine cells (det: Ken Adams). 30 April 2002. Mary Smith. TL(52)52 558,255 19 Takeley, in small recently excavated pond on west side of East End Wood, with Nitella flexilis/opaca, sterile, spine cells flat (det: KenAdams). April 2002. Oogonia and antheridia present by 14 June 2002. Shirley & Charles Watson. Tolypella nidifica var. glomerata TQ(51)58 565,828 18 Upminster, scattered around the shallows of Hunt's Hill Lake (lake excavated c. 2yrs ago), with antheridia plus oogonia, (det:Ken Adams) 6 May 2002. Mary Smith. Bryophytes Hepaticae Microlejeunia ulicina TQ(51)59 517,962 18 Curtismill Green, severalsizablepatchesontwinbolesofatall ash by the incised channel of the R. Rom, lit by a gap in the canopy. 29 April 2002. Tim Pyner et EFC. [New to Essex]. Radula complanata TQ(51)59 516,961 18 Curtismill Green, on bole of oak tree by the track along the western margin of the Green. 27 April 2002. Tim Pyner et EFC. [new to Vcl8]. [A large patch was found on Salix cinerea near the front edge of the delta formed by Loughton Brook as it enters Baldwins Pond in September 2003 (Ken Adams et UEL), suggesting that this species is yet another formerly restricted in its distribution by high sulphurdioxide levels that is returning to south west Essex as emissions of this gas are now under control]. Metzgeria fruticulosa TL(52)62 684,045 18 Writtle, Hylands Park, on willow by small pond. 13 Dec 2000. Tim Pyner. [New to Vcl8, yet another SO2 sensitive liverwort that is returning to the south east]. 38 Essex Naturalist (New Series) 20 (2003)