Recent observations on the Black Oil Beetle Meloe proscarabaeus (Coleoptera: Meloidae) in N. Essex Hatfield Forest (TL533204) (V.C.19) (see Plate 2). This is believed to be the first occurrence of this gall in Essex. Only fresh growth of the fungal fruiting body is attacked by A. wankowiczii, the larvae inducing hypertrophy of the fungal tissue on the underside of the bracket where they feed, eventually opening a circular aperture through which they ultimately leave to pupate (Chandler 2001). The gall is a conical outgrowth 5-10 mm long (Redfern ei ai 2002). G. applanatum, known colloquially as the Artist's Fungus, is listed as occurring mainly on Fagus in Britain (Ellis & Ellis 1990) although galled brackets have since been found in Kent on Fagus, Fraxinus, Populus, Quercus and possibly Alnus. In Finland (as G lipsiense (Batsch) Atk.) they are recorded most frequently on Betula and on a wide range of other tree species including some exotics (Niemela & Kotiranta 1986). The true distribution of the G applanatum in Essex is not clear, due to past confusion with G adspersum (Schulzer) Donk, G. applanatum being generally held to be the scarcer of the two species in the county (Boniface pers.comm.). Recent records from Scandinavia, Belgium and the Netherlands suggest a westward extension of the range of A. wankowiczii; although it has been known from adult material collected in 1913 and 1924 at Hannover, Germany (Chandler 2001). Acknowledgements The author would like to thank, the Field Club's Diptera Recorder, Del Smith, for providing information on A. wankowiczii, Peter Chandler for copies of relevant references and Charles Watson for making the galled G applanatum bracket available for study and permitting the publication of its discovery in the County. References BULL, A. (2002) Flat-footed fly Agathomyia wankowiczii Schnabl, new to Norfolk. Transactions of the Norfolk and Norwich Naturalists ' Society 35: 28-30. CHANDLER, P. (2002) Agathomyia sexmaculata (von Roser) (Diptera, Platypezidae) new to Britain and some other recent records of Platypezidae. Dipterists Digest 9: 161-163. CHANDLER. P. (2001)The Flat-footed Flies (Diptera: Opetiidae and Platypezidae) of Europe. Fauna Entomologica Scandinavica 36: 13 1-133. ELLIS. M.B. & ELLIS. J.P. (1990) Fungi without gills (Hymenomycetes and Gasteromycetes). Chapman and Hall, 91-93. NIEMELA, T. & KOTIRANTA, H. (1986) Polypore survey of Finland 4. Phaeolus, Fistulina, Ganoderma and Ischnoderma. Karstenia 26: 57-64. PITT, J. (1994) Galls on the bracket fungus Ganoderma applanatum. Bulletin of the Kent Field Club 39: 41-42. PITT, J. (2002) Further records of Agathomyia, wankowiczii (Schnabl, 1884) (Diptera, Platypezidae) in Kent. Bulletin of the Kent Field Club 47: 71-72. REDFERN, M. et al. (2002) Keys to Galls. Identification of galls on plants and fungi in Britain. Field Studies Council, 334. SPOONER, B.M. (1991) Aprobable record of Agathomyia wankowiczii (Diptera: Platypezidae) from Britain. Cecidology 6 (2): 80-81. Essex Naturalist (New Series) 20 (2003) 43