Habitat preferences of three Chorthippus species (Orthoptera: Acrididae) in the Chelmsford area Table 3: Median Domin values for selected vegetation species at the six study sites in 2000 Site Species_____________________1__ 2 3 4 5 6 Agrostis capillaris 9 9 Agrostis stolonifera 8 Alopecurus myosuroides 6 Anisantha sterilis 5 2 Arrhenatherum elatius 3 Avena fatua 2 3 Bromus hordeaceus 6 Calluna vulgaris 5 Cirsium vulgare 5 Erica cinerea 3 Festuca ovina 6 Festuca rubra 3 Holcus lanatus 2 6 5 Holcus mollis 5 Hypochaeris radicata 5 Juncus spp. 5 Lolium perenne 10 6 2 Phleum pratense 10 Plantago major 2 3 Poa trivialis 8 6 2 Quercus robur 3 Trifolium repens 5 Ulex europaeus______________6________________________________________________ 1: Galleywood Common 4: Mill Green Common 2: Highwood Set-aside 5: Sturgeon's Track 3: Long Meadow 6: Writtle Set-aside The abundance of bare earth at each of the six study sites was also very variable (Table 4). High quantities of bare earth were particuarly evident at Highwood Set-aside and Long Meadow, whereas there was little present in the heathy vegetation of Galleywood Common and Mill Green Common. The latter two sites were particularly favourable for C brunneus and C. parallelus, despite (the apparent lack of any sizeable patches of bare earth. Table 4: Median Domin value of bare earth for each site in 2000 Site Median Dunlin _______________________________Value Long Meadow 6 Highwood Set-aside 5 Galleywood Common 3 Mill Green Common 3 Sturgeon's Track 2 Writtle Set-aside 1 88 Essex Naturalist (New Series) 20 (2003)