A review of the Palmate Newt Triturus helveticus (Razoumoski, 1789) in Essex ideal candidate as a further indicator species for lowland heathland in the Essex Biodiversity Action Plan (Thomson loc.cit.). Many of the sites where the newt lives are former heathland areas that have developed into second- ary woodland. Habitat management could possibly be undertaken to restore heathland conditions at such Palmate Newt sites. It is hoped that further woodland and heathland ponds will be investigated for Palmate Newts in Essex in a new amphibian survey to be undertaken. Detailed investigations into the specific habitat and environmental requirements of the Palmate Newt will help to determine its needs for future protection in Essex. Acknowledgements The help of Henry Arnold, Will Atkins, John Baker, Jerry Bowdrey, Ruth Carey, Christopher Damant, Dr Chris Gibson, Sarah Kenyon, Adrian Knowles, Peter More, Roger Payne, David Scott, David Stanton, Jane Taylor and Julia Wycherley is gratefully acknowledged. References/Bibliography ANON. (1997) Amphibian and Reptile Records from Colchester Borough Council Countryside Services Pond Survey. Unpublished. BEEBEE, T. & GRIFFITHS, R. (2000) Amphibians and Reptiles. A Natural History of the British Herpetofauna. The New Naturalist Library. Harper-Collins. BOWDREY, J.P. (1988) Fish, Amphibians and Reptiles. IN B.M. Spooner and J.P. Bowdrey (Eds.) Hadleigh Great Wood- The Wildlife and History of Belfairs Nature Reserve : 222-226. South Essex Natural History Society. FRAZER, J.F.D. (1983) Reptiles and Amphibians in Britain. Collins. GRIFFITHS, R.A. (1996) Newts and Salamanders of Europe. Poyser Natural History. KNOWLES. A. (2002) Thorndon Country park Amphibian Surveys. Unpublished Report of EECOS Ltd to Essex County Council. LUCY, G. (1999) Essex Rock - A Look Beneath the Essex Landscape. Essex Rock and Mineral Society. PLANT, CW. (1983)^4 Provisional Atlas of the Amphibians and Reptiles of Essex. Essex Biological Records Centre Publication No.2. Passmore Edwards Museum. SCOTT, D. (1999) Amphibian and reptile report 1998. Essex Naturalist (New Series) 16:39. THOMSON, G (1999) A wiId future for Essex. The Essex Biodiversity Action Plan. Essex County Council/ Essex Wildlife Trust. 158 Essex Naturalist (New Series) 20 (2003)