The woodland flora of the Forest of Writtle and surrounding area Systematic List Equisetaceae Horsetail Family Wood Horsetail Equisetum sylvaticum: A single plant was present at Tanhouse Mead, Beggar Hill (TL663009) in 1991-92 but was subsequently buried beneath encroaching Bramble. In 1998, several plants were found in a ditch on the southern edge of Tye Hall Spring but these were destroyed by dredging work the following year. A scarce species in Essex. Pteropsida Ferns Royal Fern Osmunda regalis: In her book on Ingatestone, Mrs Wilde (1913) mentions that this species was known to occur at Mill Green during the mid-nineteenth century but had long since been eradicated by collectors. The only subsequent records concern ailing plants - evidently old introductions - at two sites in Hylands Park, namely, on the edge of Long Pond (TL688047) in 1998, and in the formal gardens (TL684043) in 2002, the latter the last survivor of six. Polypody Polypodium vulgare: In 1995 a single plant was found on a rock wall at the northern end of The Hyde Lake - where it still resides - while in 1998 another was discovered on a deeply shaded peaty bank at Furze Hall, Fryerning (TL623008). Both records may refer to old introductions. Three small plants found growing on a prostrate Hawthorn trunk on the edge of South Wood in 2002 have not yet been determined as to species. Bracken Pteridium aquilinum: Common and widespread on acidic soils throughout the Forest, the finest displays being found on Mill Green Common and in Portsmorhall Wood and The Grove. Also occurs in Wren Grove (Tye Hall), which appears to be on the boulder clay. Lemon-scented Fern Oreopteris limbosperma: Recorded from a small marsh in the corner of Mill Green Wood in 1961 and re-found there a decade later. The marsh was drained and converted to an ornamental pond in 1990 and the fern has not been seen subsequently. A rare species in Essex. Hart's-tongue Fern Phyllitis scolopendrium: A record from Southwood in 1981 is the only one from a woodland site in the area, where the few other records come from old walls, bridges or residential drains! Gibson recorded it from Writtle, possibly the above site. Lady Fern Athyrium filix-femina: Confined to the more acidic habitats, where it is locally common, 38 plants being found in Writtle Park Wood in 1998, 14 in Barrow Wood and 11 on Edney Common in 1999, 86 in The Mores in 2000 and 22 along a stream in the south-east corner of Mill Green Common in 2001. A single plant in The Grove in May 1999 is the only record away from the main woodland complex. Soft Shield-fern Polystichum setiferum: Rare. The only records concern single plants at Edney Common and The Grove in May and August 1999 respectively and at least ten in South Wood and the adjacent Writtle Belt the same summer. Possibly overlooked. Hard Shield-fern Polystichum aculeatum: Found in South Wood in 1981 but there were no subsequent records until March 2003, when Tim Pyner and Mark Hanson found a single plant in the Writtle Belt, Hylands. Male Fern Dryopteris filix-mas: Common everywhere on neutral to acidic soils, not only in woodland but on waysides. One of the first ferns to colonise secondary woodland. Impressive concentrations Essex Naturalist (New Series) 20 (2003) 197