The woodland flora of the Forest of Writtle and surrounding area recorded in Jermyn from St Leonard's, Fryerning (TL625007) and during the present survey from Cooley Spring and four sites in Hylands Park, namely, South Wood, Tower Belt, Pigeon Plantation (TL681041) and on the northern boundary (TL682055). Onagraceae Willowherb Family Rosebay Willowherb Chamerion angustifolium: Following coppicing work in Barrow Wood in the early 1980s thousands of plants subsequently appeared and they persisted - in ever diminishing numbers - for several years. Curiously, this phenomenon was never repeated in adjoining woodlands - or even in coppiced areas elsewhere in the same wood - but it remains a fairly common and widespread woodland- edge plant throughout the area. Enchanter's-nightshade Circaea lutetiana: A common and widespread species of shady habitats, including large gardens (where it is sometimes also planted) throughout the area. Recorded from all the woodlands in the survey area. Cornaceae Dogwood Family Dogwood Cornus sanguinea: A common hedgerow and woodland edge shrub throughout the area but prefers neutral to alkaline soils. Viscaceae Mistletoe Family Mistletoe Viscum album: Recorded in Gibson from Writtle, presumably Hylands Park, where it persists to this day, growing principally on Common Lime. Also recorded from the same species at Skreens Park. Celastraceae Spindle Family Spindle Euonymus europaeus: A fairly common hedgerow and woodland edge shrub on neutral to alkaline soils throughout the area. Aquifoliaceae Holly Family Holly Ilex aquifolium: A common and widespread hedgerow and woodland-edge tree on neutral to acidic soils, rather less numerous on the boulder-clay. It reaches abundance in some of the woods on the Fryerning - Mill Green ridge, particularly Stoneymore, where a recently coppiced area close to the road has been colonised by hundreds of saplings. It also readily grows from seed elsewhere and young, self-sown trees arc common in hedgerows. The finest tree in the area - a seventy foot monster in Freehold Copse (The Grove) which resembled a huge multi-stemmed candelabra - was toppled by the hurricane of October 1987. It survived for several subsequent years but appears to have finally succumbed to drought. Buxaceae Box Family Box Buxus sempervirens: Not recorded from Box Wood - despite repeated searches - but it is an old and well established introduction in one area of South Wood. Euphorbiaceae Spurge Family Dog's Mercury Mercurialis perennis: A familiar species that appears to be all but absent from ancient woodlands in the area but is often common in their more recent counterparts. Thus, while there are no Essex Naturalist (New Series) 20 (2003) 207