The woodland flora of the Forest of Writtle and surrounding area records from the eight Forest springs il is present in small quantity in adjacent Writtle Park Wood and Hockley Shaw. Likewise at Coptfold and at Ingatestone and Fryerning, where it is confined to The Grove, The Hyde Lake and Bushy Wood and their adjacent hedgerows. It is also present in all the small woods on the boulder-clay. Wood Spurge Euphorbia amygdaloides: Confined to a few damp areas in Park Ponds Spring and Hockley Shaw, in the first of which it is plentiful and puts on a fine display each summer. Rhamnaceae Buckthorn Family Buckthorn Rhamnus cathartica: An uncommon hedgerow and woodland edge shrub on alkaline soils in the north and west of the survey area. Absent from the acidic soils of the main Forest complex. Alder Buckthorn Frangula alnus: Occurs principally on the acidic soils of the main Forest complex but a couple of bushes were also found in Horsfrith. It is plentiful in the wooded areas of Mill Green Common and occurs in small quantity in damp areas of all eight Forest springs plus Stoneymore, College, Fryerning, Portsmorhall, King and Bosmore Woods. Polygalaceae Milkwort Family Milkwort Polygala vulgaris: Recorded from Roxwell in Gibson and Highwood in Jermyn but could not be re-found during the present survey. The only site that I know of in TL60 for this fast declining species is Butt's Meadow, Widford (TL694042) which is just outside the survey area. Aceraceae Maple Family Field Maple Acer campestre: A common component of the woodland-edge shrub layer throughout the survey area., preferring the less acidic soils. At Horsfrith it has been treated in the past as a coppice tree and many stools appear to be of a great age. There are also a few pollards here and in hedgerows in the Mill Green area. Sycamore Acer pseudoplatanus: If ever a tree can be considered a weed this species is it! Fortunately, although common and widespread throughout the area the only woodlands where it has gained a foothold are Edney Common, South Wood, The Grove, The Hyde Lake, Elmfield Farm Copse, Skreens Park Wood and Cooley Spring. Oxalidaceae Wood-sorrel Family Wood-sorrel Oxalis acetosella: Apparently confined to ancient woodlands on neutral to acidic soils where, however, it can be common, responding well to coppicing. Recorded from the eight Forest springs and all such woods at Coptfold, Ingatestone and Fryerning; also South Wood and Lady Grove. The only woods of more recent origin that it has succeeded in colonising arc the trio at Writtle Park and here it had ease of access from ancient woodlands on either side. Apiaceae Carrot Family Marsh Pennywort Hydrocotyle vulgaris: Recorded in Jermyn from Mill Green Wood. Still present until 1990 when the small marsh where it occurred was drained and turned into an ornamental pond. No subsequent records. Wood Sanicle Sanicula europaea: According to Gibson this species was frequent in all districts, a statement echoed by Jermyn. I very much doubt whether this was ever true of the acidic soils of the main Forest but I have failed to discover it in any of the woodlands on the boulder-clay which, according 208 Essex Naturalist (New Series) 20 (2003)