The woodland flora of the Forest of Writtle and surrounding area Sphagnum palustre: Recorded from Mill Green in 1961 and Stoneymore Wood in 1973, on both occasions by Eric Saunders. Not re-found during the present survey. Sphagnum fimbriatum: Recorded from Parson's Spring by Tim Pyner on 1st December 1984. Tetraphidales Tetraphis pellucida: According to Adams (1974) this species is largely confined to acidic hill ridges in Essex and this is certainly the case in the survey area where the only records are from Mill Green Common, Hockley Shaw, Stoneymore and Deerslade Woods and Birch and Parson's Springs. It is probably slightly more widespread than these records suggest. Polytrichales Polytrichum formosum: Confined to the same areas as the above species, usually in small quantity in deeply shaded sites on wood-banks or drier, peaty areas. Polytrichum longisetum: Recorded from King Wood, Margaretting in 1962 by Eric Saunders and from Parson's Spring in December 1984 by Tim Pyner. Polytrichum commune: Found at Mill Green Common in 1961 by Eric Saunders, growing amongst heather, and the same is true today although it is now confined to the recently restored heather-grassland opposite The Cricketers. Polytrichum piliferum: Recorded by Ken Adams from Mill Green Common in Jermyn (1974). It still occurs there, and in nearby Stoneymore/Deerslade Woods, being most often found in dry, peaty, coppiced areas. Polytrichum juniperinum: By far the commonest member of this family in the area, having been found in dry or open situations on acidic soils throughout the main Forest complex. Pogonatum aloides: A species that is widespread in northern and western Britain but scarce in south- cast England. Found by Tim Pyner in Parson's Spring in December 2002. Atrichum undulatum: Common and widespread on neutral to acidic soils throughout the main Forest complex and adjoining woodlands. Dicranales Pleuridium acuminatum: This distinctive and - to my eyes - attractive species was recorded in small quantity from Fryerning Churchyard in March 2000 and the heather-grassland at Mill Green Common in January 2002. Ceratodon purpureus: Common and widespread on bare soil habitats throughout the survey area, including open areas in woodland. Psuedephemerum nitidum: Recorded from 'Highwoods' near Ingatesone in 1962 by Eric Saunders and from Stoneymore Wood in October 1990 by Tim Pyner. Dicranella rufescens: Found by Eric Sanders in 1962 from 'Highwoods' (TL6403), which equates to the Writtle Park area. The only subsequent record concerns a few plants on the southern edge of The Grove on March 6th 2001 and in a recently coppiced area of Deerslade Wood in April 2003. Essex Naturalist (New Series) 20 (2003) 219