The woodland flora of the Forest of Writtle and surrounding area throughout the survey area. Leptodictyum riparium: Fairly common and widespread throughout the area on the banks of streams in woodland and elsewhere. Recorded from Birch Spring, Stoneymore, The Mores, Mill Green Common, South Wood and Horsfrith but could probably be found in most woods in the area. Drepanocladus exannulatus: Found at Mill Green Common in 1906 by F.J.Chittenden. Calliergonella cuspidata (— Calliergon cuspidatum): A common moss of garden lawns in the area but the only record from a woodland site refers to the heather-grassland at Mill Green Common in March 2002. Isothecium alopecuroides (= I. myurum): According to Ken Adams this species was restricted to the north-west of the County but there have been two subsequent records from this area, namely, Fryerning Churchyard in March 2000 and Horsfrith in May 2002, Silver Birch and Field Maple being the respective hosts. Isothecium myosuroides: A more widespread species than the above but, again, there were no records from TL60 in Adams (1974). I have found it at two sites, namely, Elmfield Farm Copse and The Hyde Lake in January and February 2001 respectively, while Tim Pyner recorded it from South Wood in April 2002. Brachythecium albicans: This is a common species on the dry, gravely soils of the Fryerning-Mill Green ridge but has only been recorded from woodland on two occasions - on sandy soil in a coppiced section of Birch Spring in February 2002 and in Parson's Spring in December 2002. Brachythecium rutabulum: Abundant on soil, tree-trunks, rocks and similar habitats, in woodland as elsewhere. Brachythecium rivulare: Found in permanently damp sites in Birch Spring, The Mores, Mill Green Common, The Grove and Elmfield Farm Copse. Also recorded by Ken Adams from 'a marsh by Patience Bridge, Roxwell', site now destroyed. Probably more widespread than these records suggest. Brachythecium velutinum: Common and widespread on tree boles, stumps, rotting logs and similar habitats, in woodland as elsewhere. Scleropodium purum (= Pseudoscleropodium purum); Found in the heather-grassland at Mill Green Common in March 2002 and in Parson's Spring in December 2002, the latter by Tim Pyner Cirriphyllum piliferum : Recorded only from The Grove - in February 2002. A species that prefers sweeter soils than arc found in most of the woodlands surveyed. Rhynchostegium confertum: Widespread and often common on tree roots and rocks in woodland and shady habitats elsewhere. Eurhynchium striatum: Recorded only from Woodham's Spring - in March 1994 - and Horsfrith in May 2002. The soils in the main Forest complex would appear to be largely unsuitable for this species. Eurhynchium pumilum: My only record relates to South Wood in March 2001. Almost certainly overlooked elsewhere as it bears a fairly close resemblance in the field to Amblystegium serpens. Eurhynchium praelongum: Abundant everywhere - in a multitude of forms. If there is any site where Essex Naturalist (New Series) 20 (2003) 223