The woodland flora of the Forest of Writtle and surrounding area Liverworts Jungermanniales Lepidozia reptans: Recorded from Mill Green Wood in 1958 (AJ. Pettifer) and Birch Spring at around the same time by Ken Adams. My only record is of an extensive patch on the parish boundary wood- bank in Stoneymore Wood in December 1999. Probably more widespread than this. Calypogeia muellerana: Recorded from Mill Green Wood in 1958 (AJ. Pettifer), 'Highwoods, Ingatestone' in 1962 (Eric Saunders) and Stoneymore Wood in 1973 (F. Rose). So far, its rediscovery has eluded me but Tim Pyner found it there in October 1990; also Parson's Spring in December 1984 and in Birch Spring in January 1990. Calypogeia fissa: My only record to date concerns the parish boundary woodbank in Stoneymore Wood, where it was found growing with Lepidozia reptans in December 1999. Tim Pyner has records from Parson's Spring in December 1984 and December 2002, and Birch Spring in January 1990. Calypogeia arguta; Recorded from 'Highwoods' Ingatestone in 1962 by Eric Saunders and from Parson's Spring in December 2002 by Tim Pyner. Cephalozia bicuspidata var. bicuspidat; My only record for this species, which is common on acid soils, relates to that parish boundary woodbank in Stoncymorc, which it was frequenting along with Lepidozia reptans and Calypogeia fissa in December 1999. Probably more widespread than this. Cephalozia connivens: Found growing on a rotting tree stump amongst sphagnum at 'Highwoods' near Mill Green in 1962 by Eric Saunders. Cephaloziella divaricata (= C. starkei): Recorded from 'Highwood, Ingatestone' in 1958 by Eric Saunders and 'Highwood, Highwoods' by Ken Adams in 1968, the co-ordinales for the latter relating to a surviving fragment on Coppice Spring, called 'Highwoods' on the OS map. Subsequently recorded from Parson's Spring in December 2002 by Tim Pyner. Cephaloziella hampeana: Recorded from a recently coppiced area in Hockley Shaw on March 16th 2003. Gymnocolea inflata: Described by Adams (1974) as locally plentiful on acid soils, either with Heather or on the edge of Sphagnum bogs and pools. Mill Green Common is given as one of its sites but to date I have not re-found it there. However, Tim Pyner found it in Parson's Spring in December 2002. Nardia geocyphus: This rare species was found plentifully on the banks of an old gravel pit at Mill Green in 1962 by Eric Saunders. The co-ordinates given relate to a small pit at Harding's Farm, on the edge of Mill Green Common, which today is completely covered in trees and scrub. Diplophyllum albicans: Recorded from Mill Green Wood in 1958 by A.J. Pettifer and Stoneymore Wood in 1973 by F. Rose. The only subsequent records are from Parsons Spring, in December 1984 and December 2002, and Stoneymore Wood in October 1990, all recorded by Tim Pyner. Chilocyphus polyanthos: Recorded by Eric Saunders in 1964 from a stream bank at Mill Green, the co-ordinates given encompassing Stoneymore Wood and The Mores. Lophocolea bidentata var. bidentata: Confusingly, this variety was formerly known as L. cuspidata. Fairly common on tree boles and rotting logs throughout the main woodland complex. Essex Naturalist (New Series) 20 (2003) 225