About the Essex Recorders partnership

Apply for funding

Essex Field Club
registered charity
no 1113963

in partnership with..

Basildon Council


Butterfly Conservation

Essex Amphibian & Reptile Group

Essex Bat Group

Essex Birdwatching Society

Essex Wildlife Trust


Biston betularia random taxon map


Welcome to our Essex Biological Records Centre Service

We are open during standard business hours, typically Monday to Friday from around 9am to 5.30pm but may be able to respond to requests outside these hours.
Please note - from 1st December 2022 we changed to the pay-by-card at the time of order payment system only and no longer provide a proforma invoice or PO option.

We can currently provide access to 5,999,405 records for 15,501 species across a wide range of groups. As well as county recorder data for a wide range of taxonomic groups and protected species data not available to any other organisation, this includes access to records held by the Essex Amphibian & Reptile Group, Essex Bat Group and Essex Birdwatching Society bird data.

Datasearch reports and VAT invoices are provided as downloadable pdf documents with a spreadsheet species data file and are customised to an area of your choosing. We are unable to provide GIS outputs. Please see our Datasearch Terms of Service page for full details.  Once you start a request, you can save changes at any time and return to complete this later, obtain a quotation and make an order. Make sure emails are added to your approved list.

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The Essex Biodiversity Validation Checklist link, supported by Natural England's local Land Use Operations team and endorsed by the Essex Biodiversity Project, available from Essex County Council, makes clear that the Essex Field Club datasearch system is the main source of species records in the county. Our Essex Biological and Geological Records Centre Service helps you undertake ecological desk studies and obtain specialist species reports from our Essex biological and geological records database. We also provide information on sites relevant to nature conservation contained in national datasets and provide information on geological sites which are of county and local importance for their scientific, historical and/or educational value, as well as those designated as SSSI geological sites see our Datasearch Service for details.

Our County Recorders compile, maintain and verify the primary biological databases for the county and we are also working in partnership with Basildon Council, Buglife, Butterfly Conservation, Essex Amphibian & Reptile Group, Essex Bat Group, Essex Birdwatching Society, Essex Wildlife Trust, GeoEssex, and others to provide comprehensive coverage of county records as an Essex Local Record Centre.

In partnership with Buglife, we also provide information on B-Lines in relation to a search area.

The nearest Essex has to a comprehensive biodiversity species service is data provided by county recorder records and specialist groups, maintained to a high level of scientific integrity by these county recorders and specialists, many of whom are national recording scheme organisers or recognised national specialists, a task the Essex Field Club has undertaken in its current form in the county for over 60 years.

For obvious reasons the location of badger setts is not included on this website's database.  However information is available from the four Essex Badger Groups by contacting them direct. 

Natural England have published Invertebrate Standard Advice for Essex on how to address invertebrates and their habitats within the planning system.

Essex County Council also provide Mineral Site Restoration for Biodiversity Supplementary Planning Guidance link

The Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management (CIEEM) have published Guidelines for Accessing and Using Biodiversity Data link