We are adding to the database tables all the time, both with new records and with old paper records which are computerised and validated by our County Recorders and other specialists. If you can provide reliable records for the county, please send us the data, either in a spreadsheet format with taxon name, site location, grid reference, Vice County, Recorder, Determiner, Date (preferably day date) and any other useful information such as broad and structural habitat, recording method, whether voucher material is available etc.
Group | Comment |
bats | County data |
Essex Bat Group | Countywide data |
Essex Birdwatching Society | County 2013-on data |
mammals | County data |
amphibians and reptiles | County data |
honey bee and bumblebees | Countywide data |
bees and wasps | County data |
ants | County data |
other Hymenoptera | County data |
beetles | Available county data |
hoverflies | Available county data |
soldier flies and allies | County data |
flies (other) | County data |
butterflies | County data |
larger moths | County data |
micro moths | County data |
leafhoppers and allies | Available county data |
true bugs | Available county data |
grasshoppers, crickets & allies | County data |
dragonflies & damselflies | Available county data |
caddisflies | County/National Recording Scheme data |
galls | Available data |
centipedes and millipedes | County data |
spiders | County data |
harvestmen | County data |
pseudoscorpions | County data |
woodlice | County data |
molluscs | County data |
flowering plant | Available county data |
non-vascular plants | Available county data |
fungi | Available county data |
lichens | Sample of data |
Invasive species | Available data |
fish | Available county data |
birds | Club records |
slime moulds | Small number of records |