Geological sites search

This database lists and describes geological sites which are of regional or local importance for their scientific, historical and/or educational value unlike the strictly scientific criteria applied to the SSSIs (Sites of Special Scientific Interest) which are of national importance. These are not 'second tier' sites but sites of regional and local value in their own right.
Many of the sites listed are solely of historical interest as a record of an important or interesting discovery. Some sites are not strictly geological but nevertheless have a geological connection. This database therefore defines geological sites in the widest sense and includes, for example, buildings, graves, wells, springs, boreholes and viewpoints. Some of these sites are being designated as Local Geological Sites (formerly called Regionally Important Geological Sites) and the sites that are subject to this designation are marked as such.
Existing SSSIs which have been designated for their geological importance are also included in this database.
Although many of the sites listed are publicly accessible, inclusion of a site in this database does not imply any rights of access. Permission to visit must always be obtained from the relevant landowner.