How to use the Species Lookup box
Tips on using the species lookup box:
Enter all or part of a species' name (scientific or vernacular) or its code in the box and press enter. This works rather like the MapMate 'Taxon' entry box if you are familiar with this. If your entry is exactly matched this species will be selected, otherwise a list of near matches will be shown. You can select one of these, or continue entering characters to improve your match. Generally, species can be found easily with the first few characters and there is usually no need to enter the full name.
- If there is no possible match to your entry a cross icon will appear at the end of the box.
- Once a species is selected and accepted a tick icon appears at the end of the box.
- Only the first 10 matches are ever shown. If the list is vague, or your required item isn't listed, you will need to refine your search word(s).
- You can use the 'dot' . as an abbreviation - for example "n. pronuba" or even "n. pro".
- You can use wildcards * (to match any number of characters) or ? (to match any single character). For example '*p?gm*' will match any name containing pygmy or pigmy etc.
Incorrect hyphenation and use of apostrophise is handled automatically so you need not worry too much about this. So the system will accept "clancys" or "red line" to find Clancy's Rustic or Red-line Quaker". You can tick the option to 'Check as I type' if you have broadband and wish for the system to try to match your entry as you go. Note that this requires a continual and fast connection to the server and will not respond well if you have a slow Internet connection. In this mode you can see exactly how the validation is interpreting your entry.
You can press Esc whilst in the box to clear it and start again.
Note that species are limited by the selection of a particular 'group'. To change species groups click the drop arrow top-right of the species box.
So you may better understand how your entry is being interpreted, the validation process is as follows:
- if a single word, try to find an exact match to a specific name (where users use say "pronuba" for a species)
- if a single word try to find an exact match to a vernacular name (for simple names like "brick" or "dot" � note that 'the' prefix and 'moth' endings are not needed).
- try to match all names (scientific and vernacular) starting with your entry
- try to match all names (scientific and vernacular) containing your entry with allowance for incorrect hyphenation and use of apostrophises.
- give up
The process tries each option in turn, if any matches are found at that particular step then the process is halted and this result is returned. If we get to step 6 then you see the 'cross' icon appear at the end of the entry box!
Note that the above process will be modified to try your entry 'as given' if you use any wild card characters.
Depending on your Internet connection speed, there may be a slight and variable delay between your species being accepted and data appearing.
For the technically inclined, the page uses "Ajax" technology, which asynchronously queries the web site server for the latest data whilst maintaining the existing page in your browser. As a consequence of this, if you click the back button in your browser it will go to the page you viewed immediately prior to this - rather than going back through any previous searches.
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