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Visit Our Centre

EFC Centre at Wat Tyler Country ParkOur centre is available for visits on a pre-booked basis on Wednesdays between 10am - 4pm. The Club’s activities and displays are also usually open to the public on the first Saturday of the month 11am - 4pm.

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no 1113963
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Interesting Places

Here are some random sample locations of interest in Essex. Also take a look at sites shown on our sites map, geology site map and brownfield site map, with the site account and locate site facility.

locate Glemsford Pits (disused railway line)
old railway track with friable sandy banks and adjacent lichen heath surrounded by sallow and willow with a series of old sand/gravel extraction extraction workings (SSSI) mostly wooded. The old Railway Bed supports an exceptional diversity of Plants species including both Nationally Scarce species, many of which provide valuable nectar sources for Bees and are host species to a number of regionally, Nationally declining invertebrate... (Species List to follow). The Site also supports significant Bat Populations. Analysis of Bat recordings for the location are genuinely Species Rich with 9 of the UK's 17 Species regularly recorded. Excellent site well worth a visit. One Essex hide Gems

locate Newt pond lost in coastal realignment
Failed mitigation led to the flooding of a great crested newt breeding pond - located on map - in 2004 the newts had still not recolonised the pond due to high salinity - breeding ponds were reduced from 2 out of 5 to 1 out of 6 ponds. A detailed survey was not carried out prior to the coastal realignment but a detailed survey was carried out after the 'development' in 2004.

locate Gunpowder Park
The site is part of the Lee Valley Regional Park, opened to the public in 2004. It was formerly industrial land south of the M25, owned by Royal Ordnance and used for the manufacture of military products. After closing the site was subject to complete decontamination by Royal Ordnance and capped with London Clay, and developed as a country park.

locate Broom Hill, West Tilbury
Shallow sand/gravel pit at top into Thames Terrace and unimproved grassland scarp grazed by horses and rabbits

locate Weald Country Park
A country park with an ancient landscape and important wood pasture, but overmanaged grasslands. There is a large lake with a dam and extensive woodlands in the northern part, with several planted copses of various conifers. There are several car parks around the boundary and also footpaths. This Park is managed by Essex.

locate Highlands Drive garden
Private garden.

locate Walton Naze undercliffs
Undercliffs with remarkable and important geology and wildlife.

locate Hadleigh Castle landslip
A landslip immediately below Hadleigh Castle with grazed grassland below down to railway line. The landslip has open areas and scrub and the habitat extends eastwards along the scarp.