Moths to see now
The following moths and butterflies are all expected to be adult or out now. This list is based on the current week (Week 9) and includes adult/mature stages found at this time of year from our data in Essex (VC18 and 19). The most likely species come first - note that those at the end of the list may be unlikely!
Bradley No | Species | Group | Number of Records |
73.244 | Common Quaker Orthosia cerasi | Lepidoptera: macromoths | 281 |
73.249 | Hebrew Character Orthosia gothica | Lepidoptera: macromoths | 201 |
73.245 | Small Quaker Orthosia cruda | Lepidoptera: macromoths | 140 |
70.245 | March Moth Alsophila aescularia | Lepidoptera: macromoths | 138 |
70.255 | Dotted Border Agriopis marginaria | Lepidoptera: macromoths | 138 |
73.194 | Chestnut Conistra vaccinii | Lepidoptera: macromoths | 91 |
73.210 | Satellite Eupsilia transversa | Lepidoptera: macromoths | 75 |
70.247 | Pale Brindled Beauty Phigalia pilosaria | Lepidoptera: macromoths | 62 |
49.044 | Spring Harbinger Tortricodes alternella | Lepidoptera: micromoths | 61 |
59.026 | Peacock Aglais io | Lepidoptera: butterflies | 61 |
70.251 | Oak Beauty Biston strataria | Lepidoptera: macromoths | 58 |
59.027 | Small Tortoiseshell Aglais urticae | Lepidoptera: butterflies | 57 |
73.242 | Clouded Drab Orthosia incerta | Lepidoptera: macromoths | 56 |
70.246 | Small Brindled Beauty Apocheima hispidaria | Lepidoptera: macromoths | 48 |
59.031 | Comma Polygonia c-album | Lepidoptera: butterflies | 41 |
59.023 | Red Admiral Vanessa atalanta | Lepidoptera: butterflies | 40 |
32.018 | Common Brindled Brown Agonopterix heracliana | Lepidoptera: micromoths | 37 |
58.013 | Brimstone Gonepteryx rhamni | Lepidoptera: butterflies | 37 |
70.282 | Early Moth Theria primaria | Lepidoptera: macromoths | 31 |
45.044 | Common Plume Emmelina monodactyla | Lepidoptera: micromoths | 29 |
32.031 | Hemlock Moth Agonopterix alstromeriana | Lepidoptera: micromoths | 27 |
73.069 | Early Grey Xylocampa areola | Lepidoptera: macromoths | 27 |
73.195 | Dark Chestnut Conistra ligula | Lepidoptera: macromoths | 24 |
73.250 | Twin-spotted Quaker Anorthoa munda | Lepidoptera: macromoths | 23 |
70.066 | Shoulder Stripe Earophila badiata | Lepidoptera: macromoths | 20 |
73.202 | Grey Shoulder-knot Lithophane ornitopus | Lepidoptera: macromoths | 20 |
04.045 | Golden Dot Stigmella aurella | Lepidoptera: micromoths | 19 |
70.253 | Spring Usher Agriopis leucophaearia | Lepidoptera: macromoths | 18 |
29.001 | Early Reveller Diurnea fagella | Lepidoptera: micromoths | 16 |
65.016 | Yellow Horned Achlya flavicornis | Lepidoptera: macromoths | 16 |
32.018x BF0688x | Common Brindled Brown agg. Agonopterix heracliana agg. | Lepidoptera: micromoths | 14 |
49.039 | Light Brown Apple Moth Epiphyas postvittana | Lepidoptera: micromoths | 13 |
45.010 | Beautiful Plume Amblyptilia acanthadactyla | Lepidoptera: micromoths | 12 |
70.141 | Double-striped Pug Gymnoscelis rufifasciata | Lepidoptera: macromoths | 11 |
17.011 | Varied Ochre Ypsolopha ustella | Lepidoptera: micromoths | 10 |
49.083-4 BF1044x | Tawny Oak Tortrix agg. Acleris ferrugana/notana | Lepidoptera: micromoths | 9 |
73.246 | Lead-coloured Drab Orthosia populeti | Lepidoptera: macromoths | 9 |
70.270 | Engrailed Ectropis crepuscularia | Lepidoptera: macromoths | 8 |
74.009 | Oak Nycteoline Nycteola revayana | Lepidoptera: macromoths | 7 |
73.113 | Angle Shades Phlogophora meticulosa | Lepidoptera: macromoths | 6 |
73.336 | Red Chestnut Cerastis rubricosa | Lepidoptera: macromoths | 6 |
40.008 | Garden Mompha Mompha subbistrigella | Lepidoptera: micromoths | 5 |
49.076 | Tufted Tortrix Acleris cristana | Lepidoptera: micromoths | 5 |
49.083 | Tawny Oak Tortrix Acleris ferrugana | Lepidoptera: micromoths | 5 |
58.007 | Small White Pieris rapae | Lepidoptera: butterflies | 5 |
28.009 | White-shouldered House-moth Endrosis sarcitrella | Lepidoptera: micromoths | 4 |
52.002 | Hornet Moth Sesia apiformis | Lepidoptera: macromoths | 4 |
69.010 | Hummingbird Hawk-moth Macroglossum stellatarum | Lepidoptera: macromoths | 4 |
70.237 | Early Thorn Selenia dentaria | Lepidoptera: macromoths | 4 |
73.197 | Dotted Chestnut Conistra rubiginea | Lepidoptera: macromoths | 4 |
10.003 | Bramble Blotch-miner Coptotriche marginea | Lepidoptera: micromoths | 3 |
40.010 | Buff Mompha Mompha epilobiella | Lepidoptera: micromoths | 3 |
44.001 | Many-plumed Moth Alucita hexadactyla | Lepidoptera: micromoths | 3 |
49.073 | Viburnum Tortrix Acleris schalleriana | Lepidoptera: micromoths | 3 |
70.095 | Red-green Carpet Chloroclysta siterata | Lepidoptera: macromoths | 3 |
70.156 | Brindled Pug Eupithecia abbreviata | Lepidoptera: macromoths | 3 |
70.248 | Brindled Beauty Lycia hirtaria | Lepidoptera: macromoths | 3 |
73.342 | Large Yellow Underwing Noctua pronuba | Lepidoptera: macromoths | 3 |
15.012 | Maple Stilt Caloptilia semifascia | Lepidoptera: micromoths | 2 |
59.024 | Painted Lady Vanessa cardui | Lepidoptera: butterflies | 2 |
63.069 | Narrow-winged Grey Eudonia angustea | Lepidoptera: micromoths | 2 |
72.001 | Herald Scoliopteryx libatrix | Lepidoptera: macromoths | 2 |
73.201 | Pale Pinion Lithophane socia | Lepidoptera: macromoths | 2 |
73.327 | Dark Sword-grass Agrotis ipsilon | Lepidoptera: macromoths | 2 |