Moths to see now

The following moths and butterflies are all expected to be adult or out now.  This list is based on the current week (Week 4) and includes adult/mature stages found at this time of year from our data in Essex (VC18 and 19).  The most likely species come first - note that those at the end of the list may be unlikely!

Bradley NoSpeciesGroupNumber of Records
70.247Pale Brindled Beauty Phigalia pilosariaLepidoptera: macromoths93
70.253Spring Usher Agriopis leucophaeariaLepidoptera: macromoths80
73.194Chestnut Conistra vacciniiLepidoptera: macromoths70
70.282Early Moth Theria primariaLepidoptera: macromoths43
73.195Dark Chestnut Conistra ligulaLepidoptera: macromoths32
70.106Winter Moth Operophtera brumataLepidoptera: macromoths25
70.256Mottled Umber Erannis defoliariaLepidoptera: macromoths21
73.210Satellite Eupsilia transversaLepidoptera: macromoths20
49.044Spring Harbinger Tortricodes alternellaLepidoptera: micromoths16
70.255Dotted Border Agriopis marginariaLepidoptera: macromoths16
32.018Common Brindled Brown Agonopterix heraclianaLepidoptera: micromoths12
59.023Red Admiral Vanessa atalantaLepidoptera: butterflies12
49.039Light Brown Apple Moth Epiphyas postvittanaLepidoptera: micromoths11
32.018x BF0688xCommon Brindled Brown agg. Agonopterix heracliana agg.Lepidoptera: micromoths9
45.044Common Plume Emmelina monodactylaLepidoptera: micromoths9
59.026Peacock Aglais ioLepidoptera: butterflies9
17.011Varied Ochre Ypsolopha ustellaLepidoptera: micromoths8
70.245March Moth Alsophila aesculariaLepidoptera: macromoths8
45.010Beautiful Plume Amblyptilia acanthadactylaLepidoptera: micromoths6
49.076Tufted Tortrix Acleris cristanaLepidoptera: micromoths5
04.045Golden Dot Stigmella aurellaLepidoptera: micromoths4
32.031Hemlock Moth Agonopterix alstromerianaLepidoptera: micromoths3
35.056Burdock Seedhead Moth Metzneria lappellaLepidoptera: micromoths3
49.083-4 BF1044xTawny Oak Tortrix agg. Acleris ferrugana/notanaLepidoptera: micromoths3
52.002Hornet Moth Sesia apiformisLepidoptera: macromoths3
58.013Brimstone Gonepteryx rhamniLepidoptera: butterflies3
70.084Blue-bordered Carpet Plemyria rubiginataLepidoptera: macromoths3
73.249Hebrew Character Orthosia gothicaLepidoptera: macromoths3
12.026Common Clothes Moth Tineola bisselliellaLepidoptera: micromoths2
32.015Blackneck Buff Agonopterix subpropinquellaLepidoptera: micromoths2
40.008Garden Mompha Mompha subbistrigellaLepidoptera: micromoths2
44.001Many-plumed Moth Alucita hexadactylaLepidoptera: micromoths2
49.083Tawny Oak Tortrix Acleris ferruganaLepidoptera: micromoths2
49.186Teasel Marble Endothenia gentianaeanaLepidoptera: micromoths2
59.027Small Tortoiseshell Aglais urticaeLepidoptera: butterflies2
62.067Dried Currant Moth Cadra cautellaLepidoptera: micromoths2
70.095Red-green Carpet Chloroclysta siterataLepidoptera: macromoths2
70.097Common Marbled Carpet Dysstroma truncataLepidoptera: macromoths2
72.017Vapourer Orgyia antiquaLepidoptera: macromoths2
73.113Angle Shades Phlogophora meticulosaLepidoptera: macromoths2
73.244Common Quaker Orthosia cerasiLepidoptera: macromoths2