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EFC Centre at Wat Tyler Country ParkOur centre is available for visits on a pre-booked basis on Wednesdays between 10am - 4pm. The Club’s activities and displays are also usually open to the public on the first Saturday of the month 11am - 4pm.

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Publication contents

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Essex Field Club Newsletter volume 55 (January 2008) £2.00

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  • 28 pages + two pages of colour plates

    1 Peter Harvey President's Page

    2 Exhibition & Social Meeting, Saturday 1st December

    1 Subscription reminder

    1-2 Peter Harvey President's Page

    3-4 Essex Field Club Annual General Meeting 128, to be held Saturday 8th March 2008

    4 Ted Benton Hugh Main: can anyone help with information?

    5-8 Mary Smith A wildlife diary

    8 David Bloomfield Magpie behaviour

    9-14 Ken Adams Botanical records - problems and solutions

    14 David Scott Common Toad breeding at Little Leighs, Essex - Spring 2007

    15-16 An offer of publications of the Essex Field Club

    16-17 Mary Smith Hainault Forest fungus foray, 6th October 2007

    18 Graham Smith Fungus foray to Stoneymore Wood, Mill Green on October 9th 2007

    19 Tony Boniface Waxcap hunt 27th October 2007

    20 Book review: The Dragonflies of Essex

    20 Book review: The Birds of Essex

    22-24 Questionnaire: New Centre for Essex Field Club result summary

    25 MapMate records

    26 Essex Field Club County Recorders for 2007/2008