Species Account for Agathidium marginatum
PLEASE NOTE, many records in this group are not yet available
Agathidium marginatum Sturm, 1807
Coleoptera: Leiodidae
Reproduction for study and non-profit use permitted, all other rights reserved.
Taxonomic group: beetles (Coleoptera) - Available county data
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Essex RDB: Listed
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Essex Post-1969 record/s; VC19 pre-1970 record/s. First post-1950 record Aveley Bay 2000.
Species text
This is a rare species with very few modern records. It is primarily a species of south-eastern England. The beetle is difficult to identify and may be confused with other members of the family. Consequently, the exact status of this species is hard to assess and it was not listed in the insect Red Data Book (Shirt, 1987). It is predominantly recorded from coastal and estuarine habitats, including coastal shingle and saltmarsh, but also noted inland in pasture-woodland. Most records are from the roots of plants and grass tussocks. References
Recorded management for locations with Agathidium marginatum
Recorded substrate and hydrology for locations with Agathidium marginatum
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