Species Account for Andrena alfkenella
Andrena alfkenella Perkins, R.C.L., 1914
a mining bee
Aculeata: Andreninae
Reproduction for study and non-profit use permitted, all other rights reserved.
Taxonomic group: bees and wasps (Aculeata) - County data
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Status: RDB 3
Essex RDB: Listed
Threat: Essex Endangered
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Confirmed records of this species are confined to the southern half of England. It appears to be even less frequent today than in the past, and has almost certainly declined through the loss and deterioration of suitable habitat. Post-1970 records are known for five sites (Falk, 1991b). The species was first recorded in Essex by Penny Anderson Associates in 1995 from a small sand cliff opposite Grays Chalk Quarry in the Chafford Hundred development at Thurrock. More recently single individuals have been collected by P.R. Harvey at several South Essex locations, and then in numbers at a site in South ockendon in 2006. A variety of open situations seem to be favoured such as coastal areas (e.g. coastal dunes, eroding cliffs) and heathland, whilst many records refer to calcareous grassland. It is a ground nesting species, probably favouring dry, bare soil or short turf in warm, sunny situations. Adults of the first brood are reported from late April to early June and in Britain there are records of flower visits for Brassica, Prunus spinosa, Veronica and Bellis perennis. The second brood is reported between July and early September and is closely associated with umbellifers, including Torilis, Angelica, Pastinaca, Daucus, but also visits Potentilla, Matricaria, Centaurea and Hypochoeris (Falk, op. cit.). References
Recorded management for locations with Andrena alfkenella
Recorded substrate and hydrology for locations with Andrena alfkenella
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