Species Account for Arachnospila minutula
Arachnospila minutula (Dahlbom, 1842)
a spider-hunter wasp
Aculeata: Pompilidae
Reproduction for study and non-profit use permitted, all other rights reserved.
Taxonomic group: bees and wasps (Aculeata) - County data
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Status: Nb
Essex RDB: Listed
Threat: Essex Threatened
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recorded prey Pardosa
Species text
Arachnospila minutula is mostly recorded in southern England, but is a very local species with widely scattered post-1970 records. The loss and deterioration of semi-natural habitats such as downland and heathland is likely to have influenced the status of this wasp (Falk, 1991b). In Essex all records are from South Essex in the Thames and Lee corridors. The wasp is found on chalk downs, heaths, quarries and other habitats with warm, sparsely-vegetated ground. Prey is probably wolf spiders (Lycosidae) and, in France, a nest has been found beneath a stone. Adults have been seen visiting umbellifer flowers such as Pastinaca and Daucus. References
Recorded management for locations with Arachnospila minutula
Recorded substrate and hydrology for locations with Arachnospila minutula
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