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Species Account for Atylotus latistriatus

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Atylotus latistriatus  Brauer, 1880
Diptera: Larger Brachycera: Tabanidae

Saltmarsh Horsefly Atylotus latistriatus Copyright: Chris Gibson

Maps produced by MapMate®. Data overlays Copyright © Essex Field Club 2024.
Reproduction for study and non-profit use permitted, all other rights reserved.

Taxonomic group: soldier flies and allies (Diptera: Larger Brachycera) - County data

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Status: NS

Essex RDB: Listed
Threat: Regionally Important
Records: 60
First Record: 1907
Latest Record: 2024

1992-on hectads: 9
Pre-1992 hectads: 5
Total hectads: 10

Additional Phenology Data


Saltmarsh Horsefly Atylotus latistriatus
Saltmarsh Horsefly Atylotus latistriatus
Saltmarsh Horsefly
Saltmarsh Horsefly

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Essex Red Data List comment
Rare coastal species associated with Limonium-dominated saltmarsh.

Species text
This horsefly is sparsely recorded from coastal areas of southern England with records predominating in East Anglia and the Poole Harbour, Solent area. There are only about 15 known post 1960 sites within Hampshire, Kent, Essex and Norfolk and many of its old haunts are now either destroyed or unsuitable and its Essex populations are under particular threat from rising sea levels (Falk 1991a). The species occurs on saltmarsh and some shores with spits or bars of sand forming sheltered lagoons. It has been reared from a larva obtained in a core sample from Limonium saltmarsh in Essex and in Brittany, France the larvae have also been obtained from sand and seaweed at the drift line of shores. The normal breeding site may therefore be in saltmarsh or under seaweed and other drift material on the strand line where there is abundant and concentrated supply of food for the carnivorous larvae. Such drift-line debris may be found on sandy strands that occur locally at the landward margin of saltmarsh in sheltered lagoons, or it may accumulate directly on high saltmarsh (Stubbs & Drake 2001). Females have been observed sucking the blood of sheep and attacking humans, and both sexes feed on the flowers of sea lavender. References

Species text last edited on Tue Mar 20th 2007 by user 3


Broad Habitat Data (based on 1 records with habitat information)

no subhabitat data available

Structural Habitat Data (based on 7 records with structural habitat information)

Habitat Detail and Method (based on 60 records with habitat detail and method information)

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