Species Account for Battarrea phalloides
Battarrea phalloides (Dicks.) Pers.
Sandy Stiltball
Fungi: Battarreaceae
Reproduction for study and non-profit use permitted, all other rights reserved.
Taxonomic group: fungi (Fungi) - Available county data
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W&C Act: Schedule 8
Essex RDB: Listed
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Essex Red Data List comment
Found on hedgebank in north-east Essex. The Epping Forest record is a mystery. No material exists in the national herbaria, no written notice has been found other than the inclusion in the 1938 Epping List and it is such a rare fungus that one would have expected it to be written up by Pearson somewhere. Its presence in Epping must be considered unlikely and the record highly dubious, but cannot be ruled out. It prefers dry, sandy soils such as those of Suffolk or Norfolk.
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