Species Account for Ceutorhynchus chalybaeus
PLEASE NOTE, many records in this group are not yet available
Ceutorhynchus chalybaeus Germar, 1824
Coleoptera: Curculionidae
Reproduction for study and non-profit use permitted, all other rights reserved.
Taxonomic group: beetles (Coleoptera) - Available county data
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Ceutorhynchus chalybaeus is a relatively scarce little weevil and the name has been the subject of much confusion. Old British records for C. chalybaeus (e.g. by Joy) refer to other species (pectoralis, thomsoni etc.), but it looks as though old records for C. timidus refer at least in part to the true C. chalybaeus. There are only one or two confirmed Essex records for the true C. chalybaeus (P. Hammond, pers. comm.). References
Recorded management for locations with Ceutorhynchus chalybaeus
Recorded substrate and hydrology for locations with Ceutorhynchus chalybaeus
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