Species Account for Epeolus cruciger
Epeolus cruciger (Panzer, 1799)
a solitary bee
Aculeata: Anthophorinae
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Taxonomic group: bees and wasps (Aculeata) - County data
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Essex RDB: Listed
Threat: Essex Threatened
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cleptoparasite on Colletes succinctus, C.marginatus
Species text
Epeolus cruciger is a cleptoparasite of Colletes succinctus and C. marginatus mining bees. It is widely found on heathland and moorland where Colletes succinctus can often be a frequent species collecting heather pollen. It also occurs on coastal sand dunes with C. marginatus. In Essex heathland is a scarce habitat and E. cruciger has only been found at 3 sites, at Barking Levels (where a rare form of C. succinctus foraging on Asteraceae used to occur), Canvey Wick and East Tilbury Silt Lagoons. The Barking site has been destroyed by development. The C. marginatus host is only recorded in the county at Canvey Wick, East Tilbury and silt lagoons at Shellhaven (also now destroyed) in South Essex and Dovercourt in North Essex. References
Recorded management for locations with Epeolus cruciger
Recorded substrate and hydrology for locations with Epeolus cruciger
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