Species Account for Hercostomus plagiatus
Hercostomus plagiatus (Loew, 1857)
Diptera: other groups: Dolichopodidae
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Taxonomic group: flies (other) (Diptera: other groups) - County data
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Status: NS
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Recorded from 3 out of 57x10km.sq. records in county
Species text
This is a small, metallic green, predacious fly, recorded from a wide range of wetland habitats including fens, damp woods and coastal localities. The larvae are probably semi-aquatic carnivores. It is widespread in southern England and Wales and described as scarce and very local in d'Assis Fonseca (1978). The status has been revised from RDB 3 (Shirt 1987). Falk & Crossley (2005) states that although a widespread species, it appears to be somewhat local, with about twenty known post-1960 sites. Falk & Crossley (op. cit.) also state that the primary management objective should be to maintain a high, stable water level at sites, retaining ponds or ditches as potential breeding locations, and performing any necessary vegetation clearance on rotation. References
Recorded management for locations with Hercostomus plagiatus
Recorded substrate and hydrology for locations with Hercostomus plagiatus
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