Species Account for Heriades truncorum
Heriades truncorum (Linnaeus, 1758)
a solitary bee
Aculeata: Megachilinae
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Taxonomic group: bees and wasps (Aculeata) - County data
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Status: RDB K
Saproxylic species
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The bee was restricted in Britain to several south-eastern counties. Apart from one very old unconfirmed Essex record of this species mentioned in Else (1998), the species was first recorded in the county near South Ockendon in 1999, was subsequently found at a number of sites near the Thames in South Essex, then in 2007 it was recorded from brownfield land in Colchester, and has continued to spread across the county. The bee nests in holes in dead wood, and has been observed nesting in dead, broken Rubus stems and flying about masonry (Else, 1998). Resin, probably from various sources, is used in nest construction and the females gather pollen from composites (Asteraceae), especially Ragwort Senecio jacobaea. References
Recorded management for locations with Heriades truncorum
Recorded substrate and hydrology for locations with Heriades truncorum
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