Species Account for Homoneura tesquae
Homoneura tesquae (Becker, 1895)
Diptera: other groups: Lauxaniidae
Reproduction for study and non-profit use permitted, all other rights reserved.
Taxonomic group: flies (other) (Diptera: other groups) - County data
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Status: Notable
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Recorded from 5 out of 57x10km.sq. records in county
Species text
There has been some opinion that British specimens are referable to H. christophi and this has led to both names being placed on the British list. However there is doubt over the validity of H. christophi. Until this is resolved all British specimens are best referred to as H. tesquae. Records are scattered widely in southern England north to Yorkshire and Merionethshire in North Wales with only 7 known post-1960 sites. Preferred habitat is unclear, known from coastal sites, sandy beaches, woods and wet heathland, perhaps the common feature being the presence of sallow Salix. Biology is unknown but the larvae of this family are generally believed to develop in decaying vegetable matter, including fallen leaves (Falk & Ismay, status review in prep.). References
Recorded management for locations with Homoneura tesquae
Recorded substrate and hydrology for locations with Homoneura tesquae
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