Species Account for Hylaeus pictipes
Hylaeus pictipes Nylander, 1852
a solitary bee
Aculeata: Colletinae
Reproduction for study and non-profit use permitted, all other rights reserved.
Taxonomic group: bees and wasps (Aculeata) - County data
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Status: Na
Essex RDB: Listed
Threat: Essex Threatened
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This is a very small yellow-faced bee whose habitat preferences are unclear. It has been found in woods, fenland, coastal dunes and occasionally gardens. Nests have been found in old beetle holes in posts and in hollow stems of Rubus and Rosa. It is single brooded, with adults recorded mid-June to late August. There are flower-visiting records for a number of plants, but it is unclear if these are nectar or pollen sources. British pollen sources are unknown but flower-visiting records (possibly only nectar sources) include Brassica, Reseda, Rubus, Heracleum, Cirsium and Jasione montana. In Germany, a wide variety of pollens are used (Westrich 1989), and in a garden in Wickford they were flying around the Ceanothus.Confirmed records are scattered widely over southern England north to Cambs., also in Wales, but there are only about 20 known post-1970 sites in the status review by Falk (1991). Prevent the invasion of scrub and coarse vegetation onto open habitat but retain some areas either as a scrub ecotone, or as a scattering of bushes, brambles, etc. Maintain any established management (e.g. grazing or cutting) that maintains a balance between open and scrubby vegetation types. Consider the introduction of management on unmanaged sites, especially where succession is a problem. Note the importance of features such as dead twigs, tree stumps, bramble clumps, old posts etc. in sunny locations, during site management. Prevent excessive grazing or cutting which will lead to a loss of structural and floral diversity. In woods, maintain rides and clearings in an open condition and retain the presence of suitable nesting sites and flower-rich situations. References
Recorded management for locations with Hylaeus pictipes
Recorded substrate and hydrology for locations with Hylaeus pictipes
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