Species Account for Pemphredon morio
Pemphredon morio Vander Linden, 1829
a digger wasp
Aculeata: Crabronidae
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Taxonomic group: bees and wasps (Aculeata) - County data
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Status: Nb
Essex RDB: Listed
Threat: Essex Endangered
Saproxylic species
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This species (as both Pemphredon morio and P. clypealis) is a scarce, but widespread species recorded from about 25 vice-counties from E. Cornwall to E. Kent and north to S. Lancashire and N.E. Yorkshire, with about 35 post-1970 records. There are very few Essex records. There is much taxonomic confusion surrounding this wasp and P. clypealis but recent work suggests that they are a single, highly variable, species (Falk, 1991b). It is associated with dead wood such as dead trees, stumps and old fence posts in warm, sunny situations. The cells are provisioned with aphids. References
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