Species Account for Philodromus longipalpis
Philodromus longipalpis Simon, 1870
Araneae: Philodromidae
Reproduction for study and non-profit use permitted, all other rights reserved.
Taxonomic group: spiders (Araneae) - County data
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Status: NS
Essex RDB: Listed
Threat: Essex Threatened
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Species text
The species was first collected in Britain by P.R. Harvey at Box Hill in 1985 but initially remained unidentified. The spider has since been collected from widely scattered sites across southern England, but current evidence suggests this is a rare species, both in Britain and Europe, and should be considered Nationally Scarce (Scarce A). Adults have been beaten from the lower branches of old oak trees in open sunny situations but juveniles have been taken from heather. Trees stressed by drought or may be especially important. All records have been of singletons except for the collection of two females from one old pollard oak tree by the side of a footpath between wheat fields at Paglesham Churchend in South Essex and one male and two females off one old drought-stressed oak at Hunts Hill in Havering (Harvey 2003). Evidence points to a low population density and exacting habitat requirements. Most records are from mature oak trees in open woodland habitat, at the edge of clearings or in hedgerows. Where old oak trees or old hedgerows occur adjacent to arable land the spider is threatened by the use of pesticides on adjacent crops. References
Recorded management for locations with Philodromus longipalpis
Recorded substrate and hydrology for locations with Philodromus longipalpis
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