Species Account for Priocnemis agilis
Priocnemis agilis (Shuckard, 1837)
a spider-hunter wasp
Aculeata: Pompilidae
Reproduction for study and non-profit use permitted, all other rights reserved.
Taxonomic group: bees and wasps (Aculeata) - County data
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Status: Nb
Essex RDB: Listed
Threat: Essex Threatened
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no reliable prey records
Species text
It is widely recorded in the southern half of England and is also known from south Wales. It is very local with few recent records, suggesting a general decline, although the wasp has been recorded from a number of sites in Kent since 1981 (Falk 1991b). There are very few records in Essex, although it has been found in numbers at some sites. It is typically encountered in dry, open, grassy situations such as sunny banks and south facing slopes. Nothing seems to be known about its nesting habits, but there is a prey record for a Drassodes species. Adults can be found visiting the flowers of umbellifers such as Carrot. References
Recorded management for locations with Priocnemis agilis
Recorded substrate and hydrology for locations with Priocnemis agilis
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